
Discuss How the Concept of Lean Operations Can Be Applied to a Service Operation, Referring to Either a Specific Case, or Cases, to Support Your Argument

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Discuss how the concept of lean operations can be applied to a service operation, referring to either a specific case, or cases, to support your argument. In the 1950s, the Toyota Motor Company incorporate Ford production and other techniques into an approach called Toyota Production System. It also has been known as Just In Time or lean production which can provide best quality, lowest cost, and shortest lead time (Kotelnikov, n.d). Lean Production is a modern management philosophy inspired that aims to eliminate waste in the production system (Olofsson, 2009). Lean means doing more with less: less time, inventory, space, labor, and money. The ultimate goal of this methodology is to improve and speed up production by eliminating …show more content…

The correction waste, the work have to redone because a faulty process (Angelis, Watt and Macintyre, 2010). With those waste which could happened in NHS, the use of lean will help NHS develop service step by step by improve quality, efficiency, patient care, safety and reduce mortality, waste, costs (Patel, 2008). The first step, it is to add specify value by meet the customer needs and improve it (Westwood, 2007). The NHS need identify which kind of value can provide to customers. The value added only by which can improves patient care and experience, otherwise it is waste. For example, all the consumers want high standards and good service, no delays. Consumers do not want have time waste, such as missing a procedure, only because laboratory tests are not available or the staff are on holiday. The second step, it is to identifying the components of the patient journey and do a value stream map. In the map, it shows the flow of information and patients, so we may see the duplicate steps, unnecessary work and lack of roles and so on. It can identify all the waste and delays in the working processes. Value stream maps could help staffs understand the process currently operates by use quantifiable information (Westwood, 2007). The third step, NHS need to make the flow of patients and information become more easy and convenient that means patients could avoiding queuing, multiple referrals in the hospital. To achieve this goal, the understanding of demand for

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