
Essay about Four Major Workforce Changes

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The four major workforce changes over next five years in the workforce are as follows: gender, age, diversity, and family-focused. In addition, the public workforce transformation is a result of changes in the laws and executive orders, such as the Executive Order 10925, Executive Order 11374, Equal Opportunity laws, Execute Order 8802, and Civil Rights Act. Furthermore, the combination of legal changes and executive orders preventing discrimination based on race, gender, religion, color, and national origin in recruiting, hiring, and firing allowed for more women and other minorities to enter the public sector workforce. As a result, workforce demographics are changing and continue to change as more women, Blacks, Asians, and …show more content…

Furthermore, these four-workforce changes age, racial diversity, gender, and work values will affect organizations abilities to recruit, hire, and retain employees over the next five years. In Garcetti v. Ceballos, Ceballos claimed that his denial of a promotion and transfer to another courthouse was in retaliation for his memo questioning the legality of evidence in an office memo and restricted his free speech rights. The Supreme Court ruled that Ceballos spoke in relations to his duty as an officer of the court, not as a private citizen; therefore, his employer had every right to discipline him and no violation of his right to free speech occurred. According to Justice Kennedy, “official communications have official consequences, creating a need for substantive consistency and clarity. Supervisors must ensure that their employees’ official communications are accurate, demonstrate sound judgment and promote the employer’s mission” (as cited in Roberts, 2012, p. 47). While in NASA v. Nelson federal contract employees objected to a background check questionnaire, claiming some of the questions abridged their privacy rights. However, the Supreme Court ruled that federal contractors are subject to the same standards as other federal employees. In addition, “when the Government acts in its capacity “as proprietor” and manager of its “internal operation, it has a much freer hand and the

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