The second semester of this course has opened up several different strands of conversation, including sexuality, erotica, politics, mothering and women’s connection to water. The atmosphere in the class has changed slightly from the last semester, as the class has become more familiar with each other’s views and perspectives. This has increased the dialogue and discussions, though attendance is lower I find when I did go to class that the discussion was often interesting and in-depth. This atmosphere allowed students to bring their children without fear of being judged, which is very uplifting as acceptance in classrooms is sometimes not present. I found this very prevalent during my seminar lead, as my classmates seemed to be even more excited …show more content…
The book was a much needed relief to constant non-fictitious readings, as it allowed a different part of my brain to process the information and allowed me to truly enjoy what I was reading. Erdrich’s writing depicts a picture of women’s strength, which I found to be represented best through Nanapush’s story line. In the novel Nanapush relates to his discussions with the Earth and a man’s place on it, the Earth discussing her disdain of men living on her body; “And I allow it – not because you are a human and not because you are a man – but because you were born of a woman. I, the earth, respect a woman’s pain as it is freely given to the service of life… You’re only here on my patience and on the patience of women.” (Pp. 156, 2006) The indifference the Earth demonstrated towards men in this storyline really resonated with me, as I found it truly demonstrated the power Indigenous women hold and our responsibility as life carriers. This, of course does not negate the responsibilities and roles that men hold, but rather I found it spoke on women’s connection to the Earth and it seemed to be poking fun at current Patriarchal views. Erdrich’s words both depicted both nightmares and humour, which as a previous fan of Erdrich who enjoys darker themes I extremely enjoyed. Her novel was the perfect way to discuss the accumulated knowledge we learned throughout the course and allowed students to enjoy their readings during the stress of end of
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code (40902), I plead not guilty by Trial by Written Declaration of the charges of CVC 22349 (b). I have paid the fine of $352 and have attached the receipt to the case as instructed.
This is a reflective essay based on a event which took place in a hospital setting. The aim of this essay is to explore how members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) worked together and communicate with each other to achieve the best patients outcome.
In the amount of eight years spent towards my local 4H program, I have had one special memory that has lead me to the reason why every year I still participate in the program. It was the winter before 4H camp had begun, and I received a letter in the mail from one of my former campers. It was a letter explaining how much I had impacted her week, and her parents thank you on the role I gave as a figure for her to look up to. Having so, I recall making positive impacts to former counselors. Always, reminding them that, younger age youths will always look up to you. Making a huge impact to my college future, I serve as a role model to my niece, who as a first generation student as I am now. I plan on continuing to inspire other students who
At first I was not sure what I should put, but then when I starting thinking about it, it came pretty easily. However I did have a difficult time thinking about what I can’t change because I try not to focus on that.
Erdrich’s novel, suitably titled Love Medicine encapsules numerous and colourful characters. An interrelated story centered on two Chippewa families, the Kashpaws and the Lamartines, and the way these families are interwoven. Lulu Lamartine, one of the interesting characters, described as hyper sensual but determined, is brought to life by what others say about her, how the speaker describes her and what her actions convey about her. Readers are overwhelmed with amazement as they discover Lulu through these portrayals and are spell bound with rapt attention throughout the events in the novel. Readers come to understand hyper sensual but determined Lulu Lamartine by what others say about her, such as Nector, Lipsha and Lyman.
By taking English 102, it has given me skills to help become a college level writer. It is important to become a college level writer so that it better prepares me for future college courses. College level writing is going to be extremely important for me especially, as I go into law school, and hoping to be a future lawyer. During this course, I have learned how to better incorporate research and evidence into my essays, whether that be to help prove a point or to just provide general background knowledge on an issue. English 102 has helped prepare me as well on helping me become a better writer, by helping me understand what a good source is to use and how to apply these aspects of research without showing bias, but simply stating the facts. Through
Vital signs are a fundamental component of nursing care and indicate the body’s ability to maintain blood flow, regulate temperature and regulate oxygenate the body tissue. Taking vital signs are essential in revealing any sudden changes in the body, which could potentially indicate clinical deterioration of the patient.
It would be my greatest pleasure to inform you about this class taught by Dr. Garefino! There are many aspects of this course I want to talk to you about which will help you succeed. Firstly, remembering due dates are important! I had to learn the hard way that not doing required assignments can result in significant point loss. Assignments that are required in this class are not at all difficult and are very informative. In order to learn about different aspects of various cultures, it is crucial that you do all of your readings on time and do those assignments. After taking this class I realized how similar and different culture is from one country to another.
The moment Chanyeol wakes up this morning, he feels like someone takes control over his brain for a second and reminds him the bitter fact he would never have imagined before. Ha, he himself does not want to remember about what happened last night; he wants to knock his head over and over against a hard surface until he forgets what happened last night, if possible. Maybe God wants him to have a taste of the bitter pill he gave him all this time, maybe this was already written in the Book of Fate even before Chanyeol met him, maybe it is just Fate’s cruel joke, but he knows this is something he used to fear back then.
Despite centuries of deliberation, the origination of the human soul remains a point of contention among theologians, as the Scriptures appear to support either the creationism or traducianism hypothesis. Espousing either ontological commitment produces numerous theological ramifications when considering doctrines relating to the nature of humanity, original sin, and the incarnation, rendering this far more than an insignificant anthropological quandary. Furthermore, our epistemological understanding of the soul has broad philosophical and axiological implications, especially concerning the problem of evil, abortion, and bioethics. Finally, given the prevalence of naturalistic, pantheistic, and panentheistic worldviews, the genuineness of the soul
This essay is a reflective essay on my learning development from a young age through to my current position as a University Student. I will be relating my learning development back to two theories of human development, Vygotstsky’s socio-cultural theory and Marcia’s version of Erikson’s theory of identity development. I will identify and discuss the challenge I have faced with my identity and how this has impacted on my development.
abandoned. All three topics are dealt with in fusion, that is why it is such a
For there to be a brighter future, the forging of a set of hardened ideals, conjured from the mind and will of the idealist, is a required necessity in a newly rising generation. But the possibility for the roads to glorious tomorrows, to be paved for those yet to come, lies solely at the dedication of an elite few. Though there is of course the need to make several much needed improvements, as a Roman Catholic I can see great potential in a group of like-minded young Catholics called “Fire of the Spirit.” Having been reorganized into its present state in early 2014, my personal observations regarding resulted in myself eventually joining in June of 2015. Essentially, I had reckoned that by applying my few years’ worth of experience in literary
Different cultures and societies have their story of how the world began. These stories vary in the process, but they all share one common theme. All of the stories begin with nothing or chaos, that is until one being creates light, time, earth and its occupants. One common thing all myths share is the role and status of women and men. In the Greek myth women were less dominant, Hindu myth women are not even mentioned, and in Cherokee myth women are shown to be inferior.
This unit does not introduce much new material. Instead, we expect you to integrate technical and theoretical knowledge acquired from study across your degree. We refer to two frameworks that may support you in carrying out this integration: