
Fundamental Principles of Adult Education Essay

Decent Essays

Fundamental Principles of Adult Education
University of Phoenix
AET 505
August 15, 2011

Part of being a good, quality educator is to learn the learning styles of the students and adapt to those forms of learning. Adult learning is growing, more and more are going to college at later stages in life. Out of the 35 people, there will be many different learning styles. Malcom Knowles is known for defining characteristics of adult learning.
Malcom Knowles
Malcom Knowles studied in the field of adult learning. His main goal was to develop a theory about andragogy, which is a theory specifically for adult learning. Knowles notes that adults are self-directed and are expected to take responsibility for decisions. Adult learning …show more content…

To learn is obviously a mental process, but how a person learns needs to be determined. Some people have a more hands on approach to learning, while others are visual learners. An example would be someone who had dyslexia and sees things backwards; they need different instructions to take in the information. Also, people act differently. An example would be myself, I have ADHD. I do not like to sit for long periods of time because I just can’t keep my concentration. Keeping the attention of such an age span could pose problems. Keeping lectures short, mixing things up, taking a break could all be ways to make sure everyone’s able to pay attention and get the most out of the teachings.
The world that we live in shapes the people we are, how we do things, and how we live. Cultures dictate a lot of learning, as does family status. People that have families live busy lives. A traditional family today now has two working parents, along with kids. If they are taking classes in addition to their hectic schedule they don’t have time to waste, are focused and determined. Whereas, a twenty year old with no wife and no children is more likely the one to put less effort into the homework, more likely to miss class, and more likely to do the minimal amount of work to get by. Teaching methods must encourage all ages, cultures, and races.
Cognitive learning is how the brain processes information. All ages

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