
Future Land Use Map Case Study

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12a. Amendment to Future Land Use Map, 73A Jeanette Street/221 Veterans Parkway, 12.2 acres, from high density residential use to general commercial
12b. Rezoning Request, Helen V. McConnaughey, 73A Jeanette Street/221 Veterans Parkway, 12.2 acres, from R-5M to C-3

Mr. Mosley reported for the Amendment to the Future Land Use Map:
The applicant is proposing to rezone the property located on the east side of Veterans Parkway from R-5M to C-3. This would allow general commercial uses including some of the outdoor uses such as contractor office with storage yard. A redesignation of the future land use map from mobile home park designation to general commercial would be consistent with the recommendation for approval of such request.

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Should the Planning Commission wish to consider a general commercial designation they would need to look at the zoning and uses associated with this zone and determine if they deem it appropriate. Additionally, the Planning Commission could not make a change to this zone without considering similar properties in this area. This would mean rezoning much of the property along at least the east side of Veterans Parkway.

Amendment to the Future Land Use Map Staff Recommendation:
Staff supports the transition of the property to a commercial land use and zoning. The more appropriate designation based on the surrounding uses is the light commercial / C-2 designation. A modification of the future land use map from mobile home to general commercial would not be consistent with the surrounding properties. A designation change like this would need to be more encompassing and include additional properties. For this reason, staff cannot wholly support the designation change from mobile home park to general commercial.

The applicant is requesting rezoning 12.2 acre property located on the east side of Veterans Parkway from an R-5M zone to a C-3 (general commercial) zoning district. As previously stated, the subject property is surrounded by both on active and vacant mobile home parks. The nature of Veterans Parkway does support a more commercial zoning

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