
Galactic Thieves Short Story

Decent Essays

Galactic Thieves

When I was a boy I always thought I was different. I thought I was meant for greatness and I was going to change the world. “Come on Chris we got a job to do”, Jacob said I put my journal down and got my gear on. The galactic thieves and I jump out of our ship and rocketed into planet X-9. Yes, it is true that I am different but I am not doing anything great. As we plunged into the Castro sea we watched the ship take off. When we washed up on shore we saw the building that our job was taking place at. We went over the plan one last time and it seemed easy enough. We were heisting a very special star called sinister. This star could be used in many wrong ways if put in the wrong hands.

As I sat there in there in the getaway car watching the cameras making sure the live feed didn’t come back on a bunch of cars pulled into the garage. While I watched them bag the star I saw a guard coming. As he got closer and closer I …show more content…

Someone wearing a radiation suit came toward me and just stood there in front of me talking down notes and talking some weird language I have never heard before. He then started walking away and I jumped up and started calling to him but he didn’t respond to me. An hour later I remembered the tools that Carlos left in the cell next to mine when he was fixing it last time we had a leak.

After a couple of hours of figuring out how to use these strange tools I finally loosened the bolts of the bars. As soon as I went to kick open the cage door I heard the doors down the hallway slide open. I quickly threw the tools under a blanket that was in the corner of the room and sat up against the wall and watched him look at me. He asked me a few questions that I really didn’t understand but there was one question he asked that made me feel relief. He asked me,” Where is Jake and Carlos”? This had to meant that they were not here and they got away. But my question was how did he know

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