
Gender And Gender Roles

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Growing up can be very confusing and creates a lot pressure for many. Young children and even adults might come across a confused state regarding where they belong or stand. There have been many controversies over same sex marriage because many do not agree that a man should marry another man or a women should marry another female. Based on this one can see that there are expectations on what a female or male should do, which is where gender role socialization takes place. Gender role socialization is the process whereby individuals learn and internalize the attitudes, values, behaviors and norms considered appropriate for males and females in our society. In addition to this it also teaches us ways to think, talk, and act. Personally back when I was a child, my parents always made me do inside chores such as cleaning the house and cooking, while my brother would go outside and clean the yard and do maintenance jobs around the house with my father. My father is a field worker and when I was a child, I always wanted to go and work in order to make money because I did not have a job. However, my parents would always say no because field work was tough, hard, and it was not meant to be for a young lady. On the other hand, my younger brother did have the opportunity to go and work because according to my dad, “Es trabajo de hombre y el si puede porque es fuerte.” So my father and mother would tell me to just stay home and do the cleaning and cooking, but all I wanted to do was

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