Has anybody really thought about how people in this world are treated based on certain stereotypes? Since the beginning of time women have been struggling for their own personal equality. After reading “The gap between male and female pay”, by Caitlyn Peterkin, I was surprised to see that even with equal educations, Women earn substantially less than men annually. I think the main intention is to inform people on just the statistics and does not effectively persuade the reader to believe in what she is saying. I do not think that is fair because women are just as intelligent and have an equal amount of work ethic. Why would they be paid less? I think that people can notice that women’s equality has gone up a large amount but it is still …show more content…
In the Article “The Wage Gap Myth, “by Anthony Kang, I finally got to see a male’s perspective. It talks about what happens when a man takes a position from a woman. People start to ask questions, and get upset. They think that a male will get a raise in pay. I do not believe so but it does state that women have a better perspective on politics. I like these types of articles because the author used real and up to date statistics and information. Men make fun of women but yet they probably could not handle a day in a woman’s shoes, not only because they are probably the wrong size but because they have a lot to take care of on a daily basis. All stories and all arguments have a climax. This is one that never came down from the climax. Women want to have their work appreciated just like everyone else. It is a shame to not be rewarded for your own blood, sweat and tears. A woman has to be at a higher position in order to receive more money and cannot be the same. After reading this article my initial response was very unpleasant. I did not like what I was reading. Even the famous women who are making exponential amounts of money are being cut short. I don’t understand how people can do things like this to each other. The Writer says that this is very wrong and I personally agree to every word he says. I doubt that anything this person writes will inspire a lot of people but it might get to a few. Anyone who
From short stories like “The Yellow Wallpaper,” to the court cases like Ellen Pao’s Suit vs. Kleiner Perkins, and even a data book like Women in the Labor Force, it is clear to see that inequality and mistreatment of women still exists today. People often say that inequality is a thing of the past, however it has been a serious problem since the dawning of civilization itself, and it is still so today. Women are often seen as lesser beings than men, and are treated accordingly. It is getting better, and women are starting to take their rightful places as equals in the workforce, and as equals in general. However, the world still has a long way to go before the inequality and mistreatment of women comes to a complete stop.
According to statistics, there are disparities with pay in the workplace. Men are paid more in wages, comprehensive packages, and benefits than women who performed the same job responsibilities and roles in the workplace. The big question is why are women being unvalued? Since, this is a common practice in the workplace, is this fair to both genders and is this the most favorable outcome for the greatest number affected by this business practice? The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was passed to eliminate this type of discrimination based on sex with paying wages to employees, in such establishment at a rate less than the rate at which pays, wages to employees of the opposite sex for equal work on jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions.
Gender equality is something that has been a problem through the ages. Susan B. Anthony and many others fought for the right to vote which was granted in 1920. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law stating that no employer can discriminate based on gender. The American Association of University Women published a graph on Women’s Median Annual Earnings as a Percentage of Men’s Median Annual Earnings for Full-time, Year-round Workers, 1974-2014 and it shows that in 1974, women were paid 59% of what men were paid. The graph shows the improvements over the years and that in 2014, women were paid 79% of what men were paid. The gap has not budged since 2014. The gender pay gap has improved over the years, but it will not close until new legislation passes.
Inequality has been a dilemma for several years in countless different ways. A persistent problem with disproportion of income between women and men has been lingering within many companies in the United States. It has been said that women earn less money than men in the workplace for many different reasons. Some of these reasons are that women have not spent enough time in the office to be rewarded with raises and bonuses because they are busy with their home lives and taking care of their children, they, unlike men, have been taught to be timid and unaggressive which ultimately steers them away from requesting higher pay, or they do not meet the qualifications to receive promotions (Hymowitz, 2008). This essay is in response to On
In our constitution we are all equal, but why are we not paid equally? The gender wage gap movement will result in social change because it is bringing awareness to women in the workplace getting paid lower than her male counterpart. On the other hand, many other people may argue that the gap is not because of gender, it is because men work longer hours compared to women since they have children to take care of. I believe that this movement could improve by making people more aware of the through more examples such as the Women’s U.S.A. Soccer Team wanting more pay and equal pay.
In the 21st Century the number of women enrolling in higher education institutions is surpassing the numbers of men enrolled. The graduation rates of women from high school and higher education are most often higher than for men. The number of women graduates from most professional occupations, including higher paying medicine, law and business, will exceed the number of men graduates in the near future. In numerous occupational areas with a majority of women graduates, salaries already surpass salaries in occupational areas with a majority of men graduates.
Women will never receive as much pay as a man. A woman cannot be hired to do a man’s job. These are so statements that are made by some men who believe women are inferior to the male them. It is a fact that some companies pay demand higher wages than women. This on their action is called the wage gap. Let’s take a closer look by what the definition of wage entails. According to WAGE (Women Are Getting Even), the ways Results in different types of sex discrimination in the workplace. These ladies stated that the wage gap can include discriminating in hiring, promotions, pay, sexual harassment, occupational segregation, bias against mothers in other ways that undervalue women ("Why Is There A Wage Gap?", n.d.). On their webpage, these determine
Women as a minority group concerning the wage gap, also known as the gender pay gap, is an older phenomenon that has gradually become more of a topic of concern since the 1960s. The wage gap is recognized as the difference between male and female earnings that is identified as a percentage of male earnings. In 1963 the Equal Pay Act was instituted declaring that it would be illegal to pay women lower wages simply based on their gender. The wage gap remains a popular area of active and innovative study and has been investigated for numerous decades. By further examining the ongoing discussion individuals can distinguish a connection between how women are rarely employed in high-paying positions, have superior educational achievements, and by some means still have significantly less earnings than men do. There are individuals who believe that women of different races are even more affected by the wage gap. This paper concerning the wage gap uncovers various opinions about what specifically prevents women from generating as much wealth as men. Although there are diverse analyses regarding what lies within the complexities of the wage gap, there is an understanding that women do suffer from a difference in wages compared to men.
The gender wage gap has been a nationwide problem since women were able to enter the workforce. Women have begun to speak out more about the issue and evaluate what they can do to change the industries and how they personally present themselves to help this change. Currently there is a wide range of opinions on this issue, with some saying it does not exist while others think it will ruin the economy if not fixed immediately. This makes it more difficult to address the problem and predict how it will be in the future; however, all sides of the spectrum are becoming more aware of what the gender wage gap means and what they can do to change it. This paper will analyze the different stances on the extent of this social issue as well as the current practices being used to increase knowledge and equalize pay for all.
As long as an American woman is putting in the same amount of hours with the same qualifications and experience in the same occupation as an American male, and yet taking home a wage that is any lower, she is not being treated fairly as an equal. Contrary to many arguments, it’s undeniable that a wage gap exists, and while there are various ideas as to the most probable cause, there is no reason why this gap should continue to go uncorrected or unchanged. Our government should take concrete steps to close the gender wage gap because it violates women’s rights and equality.
Occupational pay based on gender is an issue that has been around since the early 1900s. Women have always been discriminated against by men, which is proven by history dating back to the Civil Rights Movement. Gender inequality with the significant wage gap for men and women is longstanding and has been acknowledged by researchers. The wage gap that is present in the United States has aroused many Americans, and even kindled several protests. The issue, occupational pay based on gender, dates back to Women’s Rights of 1848.
The gender pay gap is not what you think it is. Men work more paid overtime than women by almost an hour. There is a law forbidding unequal pay for the same work time.Women work in lower paying fields than men. Men and women that work the same job and the same hours make the same money.
Despite the fact that the Equal Pay Act has been law since 1963, many problems inevitably arise in the administration of equal pay laws (Fisher). It has been estimated that at this current slow rate of progression in closing the gender pay gap it will be 2068 by the time men and women’s wages are equalized. It is clear that the business case, as well as the legislative case, has a significant role to play (Commission Policy Report).
“April third has been declared by Feminist and labor groups as ‘Equal Pay Day’ because it supposedly takes 93 calendar days for women’s wages to catch up to men’s.” 3 Many people believe that sex discrimination is the main reason for the pay gap. However, several factors must be taken into consideration.
The divide in equal pay for women when compared to men has been present in society from the day that women started working alongside men, but what is really being done to abolish the wage gap? The wage gap is the disparity between the income of women and men, even when they are performing the same tasks in their workplace. This is such an issue because women being paid less than men just because they are female should not be allowed. The article States attack the pay gap between women and men was written by Teresa Wiltz and the second article Points of View: Gender Equality was written by W.E. Jacobs and Laura Finley. States attack the pay gap between women and men speaks of the reality of the difference in pay between women and men, when doing comparable work, from a woman who has actively fought