
Gender Inequality In Africa

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The ideas that have been constructed surrounding gender within Africa has severely impacted the well-being and disempowered the women and children living within this culture. Significantly less girls go to school, women earn less money than men for paid labor, harmful traditional practices affect their health, and certain cultural norms act as a hindrance to women moving ahead in society. But the larges areas of disempowerment remain in areas such as education and the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). Common events such as rape, torture and violence are all detailed through the biography Go Go Mama by Sally Sara. The novel tells the story of Eugenie Muhayimana who survived the Rwandan Genocide by being forced into being a sex slave to the Hutu people but in the process contracting HIV. The inequality between men and women is extremely prevalent within the culture of Africa and as a result of this women are disempowered greatly.

Strong gender roles have always existed in Africa, however, while many countries have worked to lessen the gap between men and women, Africa has become less equal than ever before. According to HDI, “every country in Africa is today less equal than it was in 2010” estimating that women only earn only seventy cents on their male peers’ wage dollar, and attain only 87 per cent of the development outcomes of men. Additionally, in 2011 an estimated 16.1 million of sub-Saharan African girls were not going to school. Making up over half of

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