
Gender Inequality : The Role Of Women

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Women that’s called a slut or whore is considered as having numerous sex partners. The names are placed upon a women that gest around and sleep with many men. The term slut or whore degrades a female and makes her feel less of women. Woman are judged more harsh then men. Men that sleep around are considered studs and women are called sluts. When it comes to gender double standards are alive and well. Gender inequality will be explained further based on the media, stories and a speech.
Women are considered a slut because of being promiscuous. I disagree when men use this term to describe women. If a guy does what he wants he’s praised for it and no term is used. Most of the time the friend of a male encourages having multiple partners. Whereas females are expected to have the highest standards because of this term. Women should feel empowered by their bodies and their decision they make.
Most of today songs are explicit lyrics that describe gender inequality in an unacceptable way. For example, in the song Ain’t No Fun by a group called Dog Pound. Which calls women out their name and saying she should do whatever he wants. Another song by YG that categorized females as a hoe or a trick. Also, the media plays an important role a lot of commercials advertise females to get surgery. Some women believe without getting an implant they won’t be able to find a spouse. An example from the story, Masculinities and the Media “ Tough guy posing even though its often just an act ,also

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