
Gene Expression in Eukaryotes

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Gene expression in eukaryotes can be broken down into three stages. These stages include Transcription, RNA processing, and Translation. These steps are similar to gene expression in prokaryotes but RNA processing is specific to gene expression in eukaryotes.
Transcription happens in the cell nucleus. This is where DNA can be found. For example you can use DNA as instructions to make certain things such as proteins, but, these instructions are in a different language and you do not understand them, so the workers that will eventually assemble them cannot work with them. This is where mRNA will come into play. The mRNA will provide the workers or cells with new instructions that will be used to build the protiens. In transcription DNA is unzipped and the enzyme RNA polymerase RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region. This starts the unwinding of the DNA strands, and the polymerase starts RNA synthesis which runs along the template strand of the DNA. In eukaryotic cells proteins called transcription factors bind to promoters that include a TATA box, 25 nucleotides upstream from the start of transcription. After, more transcription factors will bind to the DNA, together with RNA polymerase II, forming the transcription initiation complex.
The second step of transcription is the process of elongation. This is where the polymerase moves downstream while it unwinds the DNA and elongates the RNA from 5’ to 3’. As the RNA synthesis continues downstream the new

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