
General Moore's Ethical Leadership

Decent Essays

General Moore also showed ethical leadership time and time again in his career and personal life that ensured he was successful and the people he led. I would like to give a few examples from General Moore’s life showing his ethical leadership in action. This first story from a “A Soldier Once and always” is a prime example of ethical leadership using the trait of “Prudence First, Justice Second” from Dr. Toner’s supporting principles. Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCEE] (2012b). In the book he tells a story of a young soldier losing his M-16 rifle during a field exercise. The soldier confessed his mistake to his leadership. The leadership the soldier who lost his rifle brought it the attention of Gen Moore. According to Moore, …show more content…

Early in 2012, after Benghazi the 1st CBCS was being deployed to everywhere within EUCOM and AFRICOM AORs and the communication teams were not trained properly or ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. Between my leadership and a few key change agents (including myself), we developed a vision of how the unit should train to correct our readiness. We decided on a “crawl, walk, run” style where teams would first get UTC qualified, then conduct bay exercises, and finally end with a field exercise qualifying the members. As a key change agent, I was tasked on implementing my commander’s vision of this new training concept. I was unsure how I was going to do this but I relied on using the lessons of change management to create a sense of urgency within the flight and Idealized Influezing to motivate my team. I brought the flight together to explain why we are changing up our old way training to this new concept. I explained we were in a “New Normal” and if were to succeed in out missions while being ready to deploy at a moment’s notice we would have to be ready at all times while remaining expertly proficient. By creating this sense of urgency for change, I then relied on using Idealized Influencing to further explained to them that I will be right there with them putting in the long hours and time train so we could be the best and support the commanders vision of being ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. As stated previously Gen Moore used change management techniques and idealized influencing to train his battalion and eventually fight in Vietnam using these concepts, just liked I did with in implementing my commanders new vision of training within my

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