
Genetic Engineering ( Genetic Modification )

Satisfactory Essays

Revised HOMEWORK 1
(a) Genetic engineering (genetic modification) is a process by which an organism’s genome can be modified using various biotechnology techniques. The process involves manipulating the DNA of an organism or transferring genes into an organism to create a new and improved version. DNA sequences of certain organisms are inserted into different organisms or within the same organism to help us obtain favorable outcomes. Genetic engineering can be used to increase the disease resistance of organism, help animals produce extra hormones, etc. the list is endless. This method of reproduction is different than the usual selective breeding. Selective breeding includes the genes that are originally present in the organisms. Hence, the off springs still have the same genes as their parents and are still the same species. But, in genetic engineering, there is a modification of genes. The off springs can have a whole new set of genes and can no longer be called the same species. Genetically modified organisms can also have some prominent extra characters than their previous generations.
(b) The media reports seem to revolve around the topics like whether the GE salmon safe for the environment or if the salmon harmless for human health. Some media reports also revolve around the topic of why the FDA has approved the GE salmon and why the FDA has not made the labelling of these genetically modified salmons mandatory. The primary concerns regarding the GE salmon are mostly

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