
Genetic Engineering: The Solution to Hunger and Disease Essay

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Genetic Engineering: The Solution to Hunger and Disease

In case you were not sure, we don’t live in a perfect world. Millions of people die every year. Two significant causes of death are hunger and disease (I am aware that there are more causes such as war and crime, but they are irrelevant to this essay). There are about 5.6 billion people on earth; all of whom need to eat. However, only a certain amount of food (less that what everyone needs) can be produced. With the use of pesticides, much of the food that is produced is not as nutritional as it could be. Food production costs are also inordinately high due to the crop’s weaknesses to pests, pesticides, and weather fluctuations. On an ascetic level, tomatoes are …show more content…

GE can come pretty close to ending hunger. The goal here is to improve the quantity of food from plants and improve the amount of milk and meat that cattle produce. There are three ways in which ‘agricultural engineering’ can be done. Scientists can mass produce the bacteria that plants need for nitrogen fixation. Another method of agricultural engineering entails the growing of individual plant cells in cultures in order to screen for genetically superior traits. A third method, and perhaps the most efficient, pertains to splicing new genes into plants and animals themselves (Weintraub 156). With respect to the third approach of plant engineering, scientists are working on splicing the genes needed for the production of 1- lysine, an amino acid which has nutritional value for humans. By enhancing the nutritional value of corn in some Third World countries, an expansion of food supplies would be unnecessary (Ellis 153). Other possibilities of gene engineering that evolve from gene splicing is the manipulation of a plantÕs genes that regulates photosynthesis, which increase plant productivity. As a direct consequence of higher yield in plants, the demand for fertilizer will diminish (Weintraub 158). The last use of GE in plants is to make plants that produce natural pesticides. Natural pesticides would cut food production cost an eliminate a major health hazard and cause of pollution. With all the types of GE on plants we can make plants

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