Global Comprehensive Security Transformation (GCST) made a proposal based on three specific objectives, planning and methodology of operational activities, collection and unifying intelligence, and construction of operational capabilities. GCST offered advice in the following areas, implementation of research methodology, recollection of intelligence with technological capabilities, and the creation of three hierarchical levels of task like National Planning Group, National Planning team, and Implementation. Advance efforts aimed to lead the collection of intelligence on targets of high strategic value, structure the Joint Operation Center, and establish an office for Command and Control Center. Within the proposal specified that in its content, …show more content…
Then, begun all the meeting and studies necessaries to establish this the new Group, which finally was called Joint Special Operation Command. This organization was created with the purpose of joint capabilities in intelligence and operations of the Armed Forces Army, Navy, Air Force, National Police, and the Administrative Department of Security (DAS), required for the development of operations counter terrorist nationally; so this organization constitutes an essential tool to formulate strategies, policies, and procedures in accordance with the Democratic Security and Defense policy, focused in searching targets of high value strategic.
After receiving counseling, training and organization from the external advisory group, the Organization have been leading the project planning a Military campaign with the resources available, in intelligence and technology. The Command General of the Armed Forces, through the National Army, had the Facilities necessaries for the development of the project, with the budget of the Ministry of National
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The first strategic result was in September 2007, when Tomas Medina Caracas, Known as El Negro Acacio leader of the 16th terrorist front was killed in development of Military operation; this terrorist was one of the high value targets, which the Joint Special Operation Command selected during the analysis of the principal leaders of the terrorist from Colombia FARC. The action took place in the village of Buenos Aires, jurisdiction of the municipality of San Jose del Guaviare. More over the Unites States wanted this terrorist in order to take to the court for his shipping of cocaine to its country. The effectivity of the governmental organization finally was gave its operational result, with a precise intelligence information and the support of the Air Force.
As a result of the accuracy intelligence information of the Joint Special Operation Command, in October 2007 one more time the COESE, operative level of this organization killed in development of Military Operation the terrorist Gustavo Rueda known as Martin Caballero. He was the leader of the 37th front of the terrorist Armed Forces. The mentioned terrorist was on the list of targets of high strategic value. This operation was a Joint action between the Army, the Navy and the Air Force in the Department of Bolivar.
The Secretary of Defense outlined three strategic pillars in the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR): defending the homeland; building security globally by projecting U.S. influence and deterring aggression; and remaining prepared to win decisively against any adversary should deterrence fail. All three pillars are nested within the objectives of the NSS and arguably, the second pillar establishes a strategic to operational bridge through security cooperation operations (SCO). The assessment of SCO as a bridge between strategic guidance and operational objectives is supported by Joint Publication 3-0 which states that Military Engagement, Security Cooperation, and Deterrence are “ongoing activities (that) establish, shape, maintain, and refine relations with other nations and domestic civil authorities (e.g., state governors or local law enforcement). The general strategic and operational objective is to protect US interests at home and abroad.”
September 5, 1939 the dead body of the civil servant Fernando Torres was found in a barbershop. It is suspected that the murderer got away injured, but Torres’s deputy Roberto Ortez chased after him without any success, and then reported to the town authorities. His currently in questioning.
Many companies have several locations that are statewide as well as international. The threat to the company’s security policy is that much greater because of the company’s expansion; this has placed the company’s information at a higher level for security breaches. The company needs to stay up-to date with the latest technology to make sure the company information can be accessed to all of their locations efficiently. Organizations that have global operations have a harder time effectively securing their information. The Internet is one of the common ways that an international company uses to conduct business; because the company can use their website to post information.
In her 1999 book Flawed By Design, Stanford academic Amy Zegart examines the three main American national security agencies: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and the National Security Council (NSC). She covers the history of each of the agencies from creation to the 1990s. While going through each of their histories, she makes a point to break down their histories into their creations and evolutions. This breakdown allows Zegart to effectively and concisely support her conclusion that the agencies are flawed by design. Furthermore, her conclusions are relevant to the U.S. military today. Any competent military professional should learn lessons from Zegart as the lessons she offers have keen importance
In the article, Zoglin’s argument is that there was a certain level of cooperation between the Southern Cone countries (this cooperation program was known as Operation Condor) and that this information was brought to light with the discovery of Paraguay's Archive of Terror (documents that detailed the fate of citizens deemed enemies of the state and
In the early days of mid-December in 1981, the Salvadoran military slaughtered hundreds of men, women, and children who they believed were accessories to the left-wing guerrilla group that was waging war against the government. Mark Danner, in the book The Massacre at El Mozote, addresses the bloodbath through the stories of survivors and guerrilla members that witnessed it as well as questioning government officials from both the El Salvadoran and the United States government. During that time period, there were numerous insurgencies that were challenging the power of the state in Latin America through propaganda and violent methods. The governments gave their militaries and elite armed forces complete autonomy when it came to
The Patriotic Union had a triumphant start and won several elections in 1986. Despite initial success, the party quickly dissolved when right-wing conservative forces and competing drug cartels killed several party leaders. This sparked a new wave of violence across Colombia’s political landscape as many of the Patriotic Union leaders and their political opposition were murdered. By the end of 1997, the United States of America had declared that the FARC and similar guerilla forces were terrorist groups, inciting a new dynamic of international tension. By 1999, the FARC had kidnapped an estimated 3,000 people.
The United States Army’s shift to counterinsurgency over the last 15 years directed changes in all aspects of the service. This shift directed the Army’s emphasis away from the large conventional conflicts to counterinsurgency. During this shift counterintelligence spent the last 15 years mastering its role. Now the Army is adapting again due to the ever changing conflicts in the world. The 39th US Army Chief of Staff, General Milley, stated that the US Army needs to “re-focus on conventional training”. Since counterintelligence supports the maneuver it is continuing to adapt. Counterintelligence support to combined arms maneuver throughout unified land operations is not completely new to counterintelligence. Pre-counterinsurgency doctrine covers specific tasks and duties for counterintelligence personnel and are applicable today. Discussed below are the aspects of counterintelligence support to unified land operations in the offense and defense against the conventional threat of a hybrid force.
The Intelligence Community is a cooperative federation of sixteen separate United States government agencies that worked separately and together on matters of foreign relations and national security. One of these agencies is the Central Intelligence Agency which is to collect, analyze, evaluate, disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security. Therefore this paper will discuss Central Intelligence Agency history and the role it plays in combating acts of terrorism.
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks was among the agencies that associated the 9/11 attacks with lack of coordination among agencies (Best, 2015). This prompted the Congress to enact a legislation that established a centralized intelligence leadership, popular as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). However, the legislation only helped to increase tension between different agencies, especially on how to approach funding. The legislation was not clear regarding the boundaries between the activities of the DNI, and their interaction with the mainstream intelligence agencies. The congress debated these concerns and later established the framework for the working of the DNI and relationship with different intelligence agencies. Most importantly, this legislation focused on one element of reorganization, which was enhancing coordination of activities between different
Crimes are the result of individuals that do not follow established laws of the land. Criminals can either be individuals or they can be organized groups. The best way for law enforcement to handle the challenges of criminal element is to understand their strategies and then counter them. The purpose of this paper is to review domestic terrorism-related intelligence and how it is related to criminal intelligence. Using criminal intelligence is the first step in dealing with criminal elements. The data is compiled, analyzed, and then sent out in an
The events of September 11, which are partly associated with errors in the work of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), raised the issue of reforming the agency both in the countries of the old democracy and in the countries of the new democracy. Most of the discussions about reforming the work of the special services in the fight against terrorism are reduced to the exchange of information between the structures of power. However, it is only by understanding the nature of the tasks of the special services in combating terrorism that it is possible to develop the necessary "architecture" or organizational structure suitable for the solution of the task. The task of the special services at this stage
Intelligence in this day in age is a vital component of a countries security. The newest proposal increases intelligence spending between 2 and 3 billion dollars, a total adding to nearly $35 billion. In addition to military enhancement, the FBI and other law enforcement/intelligence agencies will also be included in this proposal. A new system has been proposed by President Bush that all information be shared among all agencies. DoD, FBI, and the Department of Counterterrorist Center have drawn closer together to create a Terrorist Threat Integration Center to evaluate information blended from all sources associated with terrorism and to act upon those findings accordingly.
Colombia’s FARC: A Portrait of Insurgent Intelligence by Gentry and Spencer looks in great detail of the insurgent group known as FARC . The article aims to view how groups FARC uses its intelligence services and groups like FARC. The article also goes into great detail on the history of FARC. The authors say that the groups military intelligence is fairly good but
Terrorism has become a main threat to the peace and development in the U.S and the world as a whole. Past experiences of terrorism such as the September 11th attack in the United States has a created the need to have a functioning counters intelligence which will effectively deal with terrorism. However, for the counter intelligence to be effective, other basic functions have to be played out. The basic functions are collection and analysis. The other function is the execution of covert actions and the major role is the counterintelligence. The Intelligence agents combine all roles and place them under the umbrella of intelligence.