
Global Implications That Status Is Defined As A Socially Defined Position Or Rank?

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Status is defined as a socially defined position or rank given to groups or group members by others. Even the smallest group will develop roles, rights, and rituals to differentiate its members. Status is a significant motivator and has major behavioral consequences when individuals perceive a disparity between what they believe their status is and what others perceive it to be. The status characteristics theory states that status tends to derive fro one of three sources: the power a person wields over others, a person’s ability to contribute to a group’s goal, and an individual’s personal characteristics. Global implications that status has for an international manager in the western culture could be barriers caused by semantics. …show more content…

Global implications that status has for an international eastern manager could be barriers caused by tone differences. In some cultures, language is formal; in others, it is informal. In some cultures, the tone changes depending on the context: People speak differently at home, in social situations, and at work. Using a personal style when a more formal style is expected can be embarrassing. Another global implication could be differences in tolerance for conflict and methods for resolving conflict. Individuals from individualist cultures tend to be more comfortable with direct conflicts and will make the source of their disagreements overt. Collectivists are more likely to acknowledge conflict only implicitly and avoid emotionally charged disputes. They may attribute conflicts to the situation more than the individuals and therefore may not require explicit apologies to repair relationships, whereas individuals prefer explicit statements accepting responsibility for conflicts and public apologies to restore relationships. There are a number of barriers that can retard or distort effective communication. The four I will discuss are filtering, selective perception, information overload, and emotions. Filtering refers to a sender’s purposely manipulating information so the receiver will see it more favorably. For example, a manager who tells his boss what he feels the boss wants to hear is filtering information. The more

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