
Week 5 Research Paper: Theorising Disagreement

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Theorising Disagreement Angouri, J., & Locher, M. (2012). Theorising Disagreement. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(12), 1549-1553. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2012.06.011 This paper is collecting information of theorizing disagreement from a group of five research papers conducted on disagreement. The paper attempts to establish a more systematic approach which will help in building a better understanding of disagreement. Its main goal is to reflect on the findings of the previous research on disagreement and to provide more insight to the dispute of the impact of context/medium on the interaction, the role of im/politeness in disagreement, the notion of ‘appropriateness’ in talk and theorizing of disagreement in general” (Angouri & Locher, 2012). The paper suggests that there is a need for more research on disagreement which will create new theoretical and methodological understandings. According to the paper, in order to make disagreement complete, there is a demand for an analysis of how disagreements are coded in interaction. In terms of the context, the paper …show more content…

Disagreement in the workplace is can be a skill which enriches discussion in problem-solving meeting and can be applied when negotiating power between interlocutors (e.g., Rahim, 2011). Other research explains that disagreement can be acceptable and useful in some situations and does not accordingly indicate a face-threatening act (e.g., Tjosvold, 2008). Disagreement also has been connected to cultural differences and how cultural background, experiences, and expectation affect our understanding and judgment of disagreement (e.g., Paramasivam, 2007). “From this point of view disagreement or conflict resolution has been associated with notions such as ‘concern for self’ vs. ‘concern for others’ (e.g., Gabrielidis et al.,1997)” (Angouri &

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