
Global Warming And Its Effect On Our Lives

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Global Warming, countless believe it’s a myth sadly this existent event is effecting all of us, to the ocean’s coral reef being bleached to rising sea levels and the affects it has on our plants and animals and climate change. These changes and numerous more will soon affect the way our world will function, such as farming society living, climate conditions. We must take action now to help our future generations, not live through the mistakes and carelessness we have done and still do. The evidence is clear humans are affecting the earth in a way that has never been done before. However, other are led to believe that this process is “normal,” many are confident that this has occurred in the past. However, others are led to think it is a conspiracy theory and are too terrified to face the reality, thus they simply deny this event, lastly religious belief they have faith in God that he would not harm them. (Clark Josh)
Climate Change is a gradually; increase of the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the air as well with other chemicals.(Earth’s Atmosphere) Carbon Dioxide is a colorless, odorless incombustible gas, this gas is present in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is being sent into the atmosphere in two ways: Natural Sources and Human Source, the Natural Source is when decomposition, respiration and oceans all release carbon dioxide in natural ways. Human Source: is the release of carbon dioxide in unnatural

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