
Globalization In Australia Essay

Decent Essays

Key Factor that have been seen around the world in which have led to the transformations of populations are primarily Colonisation, Globalization and migration. Around the world today intractable conflict is found in many areas that were subjected to colonization by European super powers such as Africa, the Balkans, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and South America (Marker, S, 2003). Many of these produced conflicts with differences in policies, territorial boundaries, treatment of indigenous populations and the prioritising of some groups over others. This can create an uneven distribution of wealth and the formation of non-democratic government systems when others countries intervene in this manor (UNESCO, 2015). Examples of colonization also stem to Australia when the First Fleet arrive. The most immediate consequence on the aboriginal population was a wave of epidemic diseases, which included smallpox, measles and influenza and spread throughout Indigenous communities. It was reported that half of the Indigenous people in the Sydney region in …show more content…

It is perceived that it is a means for reaching international development and a more equitable global economy (Philipov, 1998). However there are also adverse opinions on how globalization can affect different populations and that in some instances the effects are damaging. This is predominately in terms of the low economic countries largely being excluded. Private investment flows are targeted to a minority of developing countries, bypassing poor countries because of their low human capital and perceived limited investment opportunities. The gap between the rich and poor populations has tended to widen, which in turn has created inequality with countries being subjected to mass amounts of debt (Marker, S,

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