Chapter 14 discusses all aspects of the educational process form instruction to learning. The educational process involves two primary components: the educator and the students. According to Room 241: A blog by Concordia University-Portland, “A teacher is the force that drives the educational system in the United States. They are the ones that interact with the students, as well as their parents” (Room 241 Team, 2017). In this chapter, what stood out to me the most is “differentiated instruction” as outlined by Woolfolk (2016, p.553). In the Glossary of Educational Psychology by Anita Woolfolk, differentiated instruction is defined as “a flexible approach to teaching that matches content, process, and product based on students’ differences
Prior taking this RETELL class I thought differentiating meant “dummying down” work. I struggled with the concept of differentiating strategies because I thought it help students to be all they can be. Taking the class have given a clear understanding the meaning and the usage of differentiating teaching, matter of fact, some the strategies I use in class are similar to some of the strategies taught in the RETELL class. I realized that Differentiated instruction is about using teaching strategies that connect with individual student's learning strategies. The ultimate goal is to provide a learning environment that will maximize the potential for student success. The important thing to remember is to hold on to the effective teaching strategies that lead students to positive learning outcomes and to make adjustments when necessary. It's about being flexible and open to change. It's also about taking risks and trying teaching and learning strategies that you would have otherwise ignored. It's about managing instructional time in a way that meets the standards and also provides motivating, challenging, and meaningful experiences for school age
Differentiating instruction is a valuable instructional management and delivery tool, which can be used to assist teachers in meeting the needs of the diverse populations of students which they now find in their classrooms. In using these strategies, a teacher may use pre-assessments to determine the learning styles, interests and readiness of the students, prior to the introduction of a lesson or unit. After developing a learner profile, the teacher may then differentiate according to the readiness of the student, by process of delivery, and by the product which the student may produce to
After reviewing my self evaluation and working with both groups of fifth graders, I have determined a need to provide a wider range of differentiated instruction. I have worked in the past to try groupings that benefited the students, but I am seeing that this is not working as well with this group. These students communicate and respond well to each other and are willing to help each other but some of the learning gaps between them are significant. defines differentiation as tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Differentiated instruction is a broad framework for supporting student differences by varying content, process, products, and learning environments based upon students strengths and weaknesses (Tomlinson, 2000).
Differentiated instruction in a type of teaching approach in which the teacher makes changes to lesson plans or unit curriculum so that students of all levels achieve the same level of learning. The whole lesson might not have to be changed, usually they just will make changes to the content, process or product of a given lesson.
All in all, differentiated instruction is a method used by teachers to accommodate all the different learning modalities, levels of learning, cultural and language barriers and special needs often integrated in one classroom with one lesson plan.
Differentiated instruction is a system that teachers use to inform the different learners that they have in their own classrooms. In differentiated instruction teachers use different teaching methods to help identify the different types of learner they have in their class.It is also a variety of grouping methods in the classroom to help pupils according to their needs. Differentiated instruction includes continues formative assessment which helps the teacher to understand and change instruction based on individual student needs
Differentiation is the tool used by educators who recognize that all students come to them with different readiness levels and learning styles. It allows us to meet the needs of each individual student while meeting the standards developed by state and national education associations. Additionally, there are many different types of differentiation that can be used in a classroom: teachers can create learning centers, use differentiated assessments, and develop anchor activities, etc. Currently, I utilize differentiated assessments, but my goal for the upcoming school year is to utilize more learning centers and to incorporate anchor activities into my daily classroom routine.
The authors further go on to point out that there is a growing emphasis on differentiated instruction which has strengthened the appeal of utilizing learning styles among educators. According to the authors, differentiated instruction, broadly defined as varying instruction to meet the individual needs of all students, typically includes a focus on individual students’ learning profiles (Landrum & McDuffie, 2010) The article further goes on to compare the overlapping constructs of individualized versus differentiated instruction in terms of those with learning disabilities. Individualized education as define by the Landrum & McDuffie (2010), refers simply to the matching of instruction to the individually identified needs of a student, whereas, differentiated instruction is a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning for students of differing readiness levels, interests, and modes of learning within the same classroom. The authors further go on to discuss learning styles with an emphasis on the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style. The authors describe the elements of the Dunn and Dunn model and briefly expand upon its application for individual learners. According to Dunn and Dunn, 20% to 30% of students appear to be auditory, 40% are visual, and 30% to 40% are either
Differentiated instruction is the approach of ensuring that each student is learning in the way he or she procures it and the way he or she demonstrates the learning as a marker for the
It is an instructor’s job to ensure students’ progress in their knowledge and abilities of the cirriculum by focusing on standards they must master throughout the school year. It is well known in the education world that successful teachers take time to know their students and develop well thought out lesson plans that consider their students individual needs as the focal point of design. Instructional scheme in a differentiated classroom is achieved through four main criteria: content, student interest, classroom environment, and instructional procedure. Differentiated instruction is a feasible strategy when considering the variety of learners in a typical classroom.
The way a person perceives information depends on the delivery and perception of the learner. The awareness of instruction makes me think about my education as a child, how my teachers would give us a workbook to work problems. Everything seemed so “one size fits all.” The teacher would read directly from a script, and day after day the same routine. Even the way my parents presented consequence or chores to my siblings and I seemed traditional. It was not until the late 90’s, when I was in high school that I saw my teachers have their own diversified way of presenting information. From a parental standpoint, I noticed my maternal approach with my children was different from my parents. The simple task of distributing chores for example consisted of me giving the oldest child a to-do list, the child middle verbal instruction, and the youngest child motivating instruction along with a chronological list with an explanation of to complete the chores. Once I became an educator, this concept I discovered while raising my children stood true for my students, as well. There was no cookie cutter approach to teaching my students due to their individual differences in learning and instruction. According to Jonassen, and Grabowski, student learning is impacted by the following: (1) Student
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. While education can be powerful it can be dangerous in the wrong hands and if not used properly. Public education can be used to help people, how misunderstandings can be related back to the lack of education, and how lack of education can fuel the fires of terrorism and extremism. Malala’s life was affected by other people’s misunderstandings and modern extremism. The first goal is to show people why public education matters and that brings us the readers, to the first topic.
Having an education is not just about the abilities to read and write, it is strength to understand, make decisions, and be concise of manipulation. Merely more than half of the world have no opportunity or access to an education, and these people constantly struggles to maintain their livelihoods and lives by listening to and following orders of their superiors. The significance of education is that it gives people the freedom to act on their own wills and recognize the negative/positive aspects of a dominating force, but without these, events, such as the Holocaust occurs and repeatedly provoke the need to fight, like in the Civil War.
Parents have far-reaching responsibilities for their children. It is a moral obligation of every parent to make sure their children do their homework and is kind to others among other varied and constant parenting tasks. Parenting role is particularly of profound significance in an environment where racial discrimination affects the child's development. Clint Smith narrates his childhood experiences as a black child and how his parents compromised some of their desires to watch him and his siblings become self-dependent amid racial prejudices. He further asserts his realization and belief that his parents' efforts were a crucial form of education in molding the accountable and independent black man he is today. He quotes from author and scholar, Paulo Freire who explains explicitly the need to use education as "a tool for critical awakening and shared humanity" (Smith, 2013, p. 25). In the book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed", Freire states that “No one can be authentically human while preventing others from being so" (Smith, 2013, p. 25). I'm in utter agreement with Smith's stance on the status quo; "So when we say that black lives matter, it's not because others don't, it's simply because we must affirm that we are worthy of existing without fear, when so many things tell us we are not" (Smith, 2013, p. 26). In this regard, it is my view that as a community, we must fight racism; live and let live.