
Goals And Responsibilities Of Working With Our Clients

Decent Essays

Part One
When working with our clients, one of the many things we do is to help and empower them to come up with goals, objectives and tasks that can be met in their lives. This is also an important process for us as social workers and people to do as well. Lives of social workers, even as students of social work can become very stressful, hectic and overwhelming at times. It is during those difficult times that we must be mindful of ourselves and what our underlying needs may be. It is also important to understand what barriers might be in the way of obtaining our needs and what changes we will have to make in order to obtain our overall goal(s). In addition, when talking to our clients about goal setting, and when addressing our own goals is it important to be mindful, make reference to and use SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & resourced, Time limited (Vivyan, 2010). By planning our goals using this system it will help this process be more rewarding, which in turn, will make this process even more motivating to continue in the future.
Goal, Objectives and Tasks When coming up with a personal goal that I wanted to obtain, the first thought that came to mind was school. To narrow it down I looked to Sheafor and Horejsi (2003) for help from their pages called Formulating Intervention Objectives. After re-reading these pages it guided me to decide on a fine tuned goal: To enhance my performance in school. My first objective will be to

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