
God Is Not Great By Christopher Hitchens

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In his engaging book, god Is Not Great, Christopher Hitchens is on a mission to combat, what he views as, the “malignant force of religion.” Hitchens considers religion a scourge of society that is responsible for much of what is wrong in the world. “Violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children: organized religion ought to have a great deal on its conscience.” Ultimately, Hitchens makes the case for a secular approach to life and seeks to engage the reader with his central thesis: religion is “manmade” and “poisons everything.” As a well-accomplished writer and journalist, Hitchens displays his plethora …show more content…

Unfortunately, many of these arguments are used as blanket statements that lack proper background evidence. It is, however, important that Christians reading Hitchens’ work seek to understand his arguments and objectively seek truth. Hitchens makes several valid arguments that point, not to the non-existence of God, but to the failings and corruption of the Church at times in history. Hitchens refers to Frederick Douglas, the famed abolitionist who witnessed firsthand the misuse of religion to justify racism and slavery. “Douglas was somewhat ambivalent about religion, noting in his Autiobiograpy that the most devout Christians made the most savage slaveholders. The obvious truth of this was underlined when secession really did come and the Confederacy adopted the Latin motto ‘Deo Vindice’ or, in effect, ‘God on Our Side.” This racist ideology continues into the 19th and 20th centuries. “The southern churches returned to their old ways after Reconstruction and blessed the new institutions of segregation and discrimination…The late Senator Eugene McCarthy told me that he had once urged Senator Pat Robertson---father of the present television prophet---to support some mild civil rights legislation. ‘I’d sure like to help the colored,’ came the response, ‘but the Bible

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