
God So Love He Gave Analysis

Good Essays

Amber Sawyer
Miss Roth
H Eng. 1-2 Pd. 2
21 March 2017 God is a giving God. Although God didn't have to create this world, the creatures, the plants, and the people, God freely gave and created; and continues to do so. According to Kelly Kapic and Justin Borger’s book, “God So Loved, He Gave”, “We constantly clamor for our “rights” and cling to the impression that we own our bodies, our money, our ideas, our time, our property, and everything else we can manage to slap our name tag on. But more than anything else, we feel sure that we own ourselves.” (Kapic and Borger 20). Borger and Kapic also identify that “we are owned by our possessions” and those around one’s self, “competing powers” to God, and “degrading masters rather …show more content…

Question being, why do people procrastinate? There are many different views on procrastination. Some people say it occurs because of laziness while others believe it being from “ indecision and perfectionism.” (Warren n.p.). Author, Tim Urban, of “Why Procrastinators Procrastinate” perceives procrastination as being a ‘gratification monkey in the human brain . Urban says the monkey “thinks only about the present, ignoring lessons from the past and disregarding the future altogether.” (Urban 2). Procrastination leads people in different directions aside from one’s original focal point. Urban adds “the procrastinator finds himself spending a lot of time in a place called the Dark Playground,” (Urban 2). The Dark Playground is a place in the human mind where leisure activities are not supposed to occur, but occur regardless of one’s decision and liking. The Urban adds that the fun one has while in the Dark Playground is not actually considered fun, reason being it is not actually considered fun, reason being it is not honorary; resulting in dread, guilt, anxiety, self-hatred, and fear. (Urban 2). That include’s the general understanding and reasoning behind why one procrastinates, but what does procrastination have to do with fear? Why do people fear failure and loneliness? Based off of personal experiences, failure and loneliness …show more content…

Therefore, all should think of freely giving as well; to others, and also to God. God fights for everyone, and loves everyone because God is loving and just. People should also be loving, and should freely give personal time to and for God. In conclusion, it is important to know why people procrastinate when devoting personal time to God because it can help uncover common human fears, identify the rationale behind these fears, and it can help show ways on how one can overcome it. One has now identified these fears and the rationale and logic behind it, and has been exposed to many ways on how to overcome these fears in the following situation. God gave the world Jesus, and gives everyone 24 hours everyday. God trusts and gives each person this time to make personal, and individual decisions. God freely gives, so why shouldn't the rest of the

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