
Good President Qualities

Good Essays

My paper is going to be on the qualities the president needs to be a good president. The president needs to be focused at all times of the presidency, and he needs to have the knowledge when to be honest and when not to be honest with the people. Also the president should have confidence in themselves and their ideas. Honesty, focus and confidence is what I think a would make a good president of the United States. A president needs to be focused on the tacks at hand the wars he needs to be cautious of the warriors lives out there in the battlefield(“Farrell” para. 7). And the president needs to look over deals and sales with countries. One example is Abraham Lincoln he figured out a way to get out of the bloody civil war(“Eland” para. 2). …show more content…

Being confident in the decision you make for that position(“Farrell” para. 11). Confidence is having no fear of failure(“Farrell” para. 11). To believe in yourself, trust in yourself, and you have achieved confidence. Self-confidence is something that cannot be taught to the people. It is up to the person to decide how much belief they have of themselves and how much effort they can propose. the point I have found to realize is that you must first believe in yourself before others will believe in you(“Farrell” para.11). Nobody teaches us to be happy or sad. They are natural feelings that come along as we grow into good people mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically. When you get to the point where you allow others to determine how you feel about life, you need to stop and take an control back into the life(“Tobak” para. 15). Ask yourself if you lack of self-confidence and self-assurance that is holding you back from being the best of that you can possibly be(“Farrell” para.11). Most often these feelings come from people, allowing the negativity of other people to overcome them. You have to be willing to take control of your life and whatever is holding you back from the goal of receiving the confidence wanted. So often we as people look for the value from society before we evaluate ourselves. I have allowed society to determine how I should look, dress and feel. It is time for me …show more content…

The focus of a president is one of the best qualities to have because then you know what you are doing for the country. But knowing when to be honest with the people is another quality that is useful. Also the self confidence plays a big part of the president's roll if he can't trust in himself to make the right decision for our country then why would we elect him for president. So the focus, honesty and self confidence are the most important qualities to have to be a president and a good

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