
Essay about Google Business Strategy Analysis

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What's Google's Strategy? Boiling Google's strategy down to just one thing is impossible, but Internet marketers (and search marketers in particular) ought to be thinking about where Google wants to take the industry, because even if Google ultimately can't go where it wants, the industry will be changed regardless. Watching Google helps us understand not only where Google is going, but where others might go also. So, what is behind all the actions we've seen Google take over the years?
Some of the motivations are simple. Google's revenue is based on advertising, so it needs more and more places to show its ads to increase its revenue. So, expanding its reach through its AdSense contextual ad network makes sense. So does its acquisition …show more content…

By adding clickthrough rate to the previous high-bidder approach, Google not only maximized its income, but also increased the relevance of those paid search ads. It's reasonable to think that the gradual increase in clicks on paid search ads is partially caused by the fact that they are more relevant than they once were, and searchers have learned trust them more.
But that's not Google's strategy, it's Google's history. Google has a history of selling advertising that is the most relevant—it's relevancy is driven by the attention people pay to it. Google's strategy is to broaden this kind of relevancy beyond search.
Google wants plain old banner ads to command the same level of attention that paid search ads do. And the key to that kind of relevance is personalization. That's Google's strategy. If you look at what Google has done over the years, it all ads up to finding out more about everyone.
The Google toolbar can report search terms and Web sites visited. Geotargeting identifies where they are. Google Analytics reports all activity on a Web site. Google Checkout knows what gets bought. Google Website Optimizer knows which variations of your marketing message work best. Gmail knows what your customers say, even in private. Google might even bid on mobile

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