
Gospel Culture Encounter

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“Every Christian is both a member of the universal church and also a participant in a particular culture. There is not one Christian interpretation of Jesus; there are many different ones, shaped by different cultures.”
I find this quote by Lesslie Newbigin, from his book The Open Secret, to be a great and apropos description of what we find in our exploration of The Theology of the Pain of God by Kazoh Kitamori. Kitamori’s thoughts are definitely shaped by the Japanese culture, but yet can be applied to the universal church theological thought process.
One of the things that I find most intriguing and unique about Kitamori’s book are the five prefaces. Kitamori wrote his book during what he calls the “recklessly torn situations of …show more content…

He believes that the truth of the Gospel can only be found when “the birth and death of Jesus Christ are seen as the ‘pain of God’ and his resurrection as the ‘love [rooted in the pain]’ of God”.
Kitamori expresses his sadness in what he says is a “fact that man is no longer astonished by the news that ‘the Son of God died on the cross’”. He asserts that the “most urgent news before theology today is the recovery of wonder, the pronouncement of the gospel afresh in order to make this wonder vivid again”. He proclaims that “everything hinges on the Christ of the cross” and that “the ‘theology of the cross’ is the theology which wonders the most deeply at ‘pain as the essence’ of God”.
Kitamori says that we must “bear the cross to serve the Lord of the cross”. We must take up our cross and follow Jesus and we must “serve the pain of God through our own pain”. This then will heal our own pain. Our own pain can only be healed when it “serves the pain of God”. He says, “By serving him through our pain, the pain of God rather saves and heals our own pain” and “when the pain of God heals our pain, it already has changed into love which has broken through the bounds of pain – ‘the love rooted in the pain of God’”. And by this love, he claims “whoever follows the Lord, bearing his own cross and losing his life for Christ’s sake will find life”.
Kitamori defines the “pain of God” in several ways including the” tertiary uniting the wrath of God and the

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