The name 'graphite' was coined in 1789 using the Greek word 'graphein' meaning 'to write', a word choice showing the reputation for intellect in the Greek culture and language. For thousands of years before this, humans used raw materials such as ash. This constant suggests a need for drawn expression as a part of the Human Condition, or the 'Ideal' analysis of culture. 1
Primarily hand-dug in the 1800's, the Underground shows how social ideas of labour have ameliorated, spurred by technological advancements such as the invention of drills and introduction of electronic engines. The network of rails was created due to traffic congestion in London, caused by the influx of nationals and immigrants seeking work during the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was caused because of the availability of these vast regions of land and this allowed immigrant people to enter the country on mainly the east coast but also the west. As the cities began to fill up and become over populated for what the city was built to handle many more people were either pushed westward or chose to move west out of the unsanitary ways of the cities. The transportation Revolution also began during this time period because of the people’s decision to move west away from strict rules and to less socially bounded societies. As this revolution from handmade work to machine work came over seas with immigrants from Britain to the United States. As more and more people began to settle in the west transportation needed to be available for them to migrate there, that’s why the Iron horse started to become networked. The Iron Horse, the railroad, was created for more seasonally travel in varying weather conditions, cheaper, more efficient, and quicker ways to develop the new unsettled lands in the west therefore connecting the east with the west more readily.
During the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution made a significant political, economical, and social change throughout Western Europe. The Industrial Revolution was brought on, partly, due to the English civil war. During the Industrial Revolution, England experienced major advances in transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing, which spread throughout Europe. By the 1830s most European countries started railroad construction and the mechanization of manufacturing (Hunt, 654). One of the most significant changes that occurred during this time period was the shift of labor from small farms in rural areas to large factories in urbanized cities.
(flattened) the land by as much as a hundred miles a stretch. Behind them came
This railroad led to an economic boom during and soon after its construction. The needs of the railroad generated hundreds of thousands of new jobs, new mines and new markers. Railroad companies employed thousands of workmen to survey an maintain the rails. Rails had to manufactured out of steel ,
The ability to get from one place to another is vital, “ The Encarta graphic shows the production of automobiles.” (Document 4) An American businessman, by the name of Henry Ford, made the automobile industry change drastically in a positive way. Ford used the idea of an assembly line and mass production to produce many cars in an efficient and low costly way. Even though Ford made a significant impact on the automobile industry, there was many other contributors like Karl Benz and the Duryea Brothers (Charles and Frank). Like previously mentioned, working in factories was very common, “In a spinning room tending four sides of warp.” (Document 1) Being able to acquire a job was vital during this time and working in the factories with machines was an ideal place to work. Richard Arkwright was an important English inventor who invented the water frame, which was a spinning frame powered by water. Another inventor that had an impact on the textile industry was James Hargreaves, who invented the Spinning Jenny which could spin eight threads at once. The invention of railroads made life and transportation superior, “Railroad travel was fast.” (Document 5) This elaborate and complex invention improved many people’s lives and was invented in 1869 by George Stephenson. Transportation wasn’t like it is today where someone can go to another town in an hour, it was very time consuming and difficult. When the railroad was invented, it made going from place to place more
Railroads found their beginning with the Industrial Revolution, which lasted from about 1760 to 1830. The need for a large scale method of transportation was
Another great invention of transportation during this time was the train. America’s first train was invented by George Stephenson in 1822, and by 1825 the train was the first locomotive. Obviously everything at this time was made by hand, and every part of this engine had to be hammered into shape just like a horseshoe. John Thorswall, a coalmine blacksmith, was George’s assistant. The invention of George was very important in America because it allowed transportation from place to place in a quicker time. This boosted the economy by helping distribute many goods all around the country. Even letters were being delivered faster, so communication was increasing.
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain during the late 1700s. It took place during the 18th and 19th centuries. Document 3 displays the look of the environment at the beginning of this shift in society. It is filled with smoky chimneys. Machines and factories led to great productions, such as new systems of transportation, more efficient communication, banking systems, a variety of manufactured goods, and an overall improvement of living. Britain was the perfect place for the Industrial Revolution to begin due to its coal and iron. Factories became a necessity because of the increase in demand for British goods (Staff, 2009). Before the Industrial Revolution, transportation consisted of wagons, led by horses. “In the early 1800s, American Robert Fulton built the first commercially successful steamboat” (Staff, 2009). Along
The Industrial Revolution was the main contributor of the development of factories and modern day machinery. The Industrial Revolution created hundreds of new jobs, influenced many new inventions, and created many new ways of creating and transporting goods. Many jobs including spinners, miners, factory workers, and farmers were beginning to rise in population, due to the new technology being created in the 18th and 19th centuries. The start of new inventions coming into view was beginning in Britain, with many agricultural tools creating new ways to plow and yield crops. Later on, it caused new forms of transportation to be developed, for example, railroads and canals. This essay will explain exactly how these causes began, and how they
The canalization of rivers, the steam engine, and railways were key components of the development of industry [2]. The extensive canal system was created around the mid 1700s to move goods and supplies inland. This system was cheaper and quicker than shipping goods over land [3]. The steam engine, however, was the driving force behind the Industrial Revolution. Prior to the invention of steam power, factories were located along rivers and used water for power. The development of a practical, efficient steam engine and its application to industry and transportation was a great leap in progress for industrialization. The steam engine’s application was limitless, and it was responsible for lifting industries from infancy to adolescence. Steam engines were used to develop machines that operated factory systems, pumps for mines, faster ships, and locomotives. A steam locomotive was able to carry raw materials and products very quickly. The expansion of the uses of the steam engine created the steam locomotive and a greater need for a railroad system. As a result, Railroads multiplied rapidly in England from 1,000 miles in 1836 to more than 7,000 miles by 1852 [4]. Machinery took the place of the work of many humans and made the work easier on others.
Pottery can not only tell us about the past, but it can also tell us about people’s beliefs and what people did in the past. Pottery was used for many purposes. It was made in many different shapes and sizes. Some pieces of pottery had unique pictures and designs on them. The pictures and designs expressed different types of things that went on in the daily lives of ancient Greeks. Music and entertainment, religious beliefs, death and burial traditions are a few aspects of Greek life that are pictured on many different types of ancient Greek pottery.
Railroads that were once operated by horse and wagon were finally made into steel tracks for steam trains to carry goods. This was especially important to the coal industry because it made the jobs of the miners much safer than before. Small railways made of steel were formed underground to transport the coal out of the mines by the use of small railcars. The idea to use steel in the process of transportation was nothing new at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Britain was known to have vast amounts of steel and had been working since about 1800 on using steel as tracks and a train or buggy type to transport things.
Other plentiful resources include coal, iron, oil, and ore (Pacheco). The utilization of these resources led to a variety of new inventions. Using iron, one valuable invention that was created to make agriculture more efficient was the iron bladed plow, created by Jethro Wood in 1819, that could plow through all types of fields (Alchin). Perhaps the most important advancement was the development of railroads, such as between 1863 and 1869 when the first transcontinental railroad was built using iron. This railroad linked the east and west—the Atlantic to the Pacific—which was a true phenomenon during this time (Alchin). Both these revolutionary creations, the bladed plow and the transcontinental railroad, among many others, allowed the economy to prosper, due to the use of the natural resources. The railroad increased efficiency and wealth for citizens nationwide, as this “opened up new markets for farmers, industrialists, and bankers who could now bring crops and cotton from the Mississippi River Valley, wheat in the Midwest, and manufactured goods in upstate New York into a global market based on credit” (Engelman). Another significant reason why our economy prospered during this revolution was the expanding labor force available to work in factories to mass-produce products. The opportunity to work in industrial factories attracted millions around the world, which lead to a population explosion within cities, as almost “11
This canal went from Francis’ Worsley coal mines to the city of Manchester. After in 1800 about 3,000 miles of canals had been built in Britain (167). Up until the 1800s the easiest way to travel a large load was by a ferry. This made it easier for materials to reach factories that were heavy like heavy loads of coal and iron. They also dug canals to supplement their river systems. Although England was not the only one that dug canals during around this time period, Germany and France were also digging canals and waterways (Corrick 38).
The first tools developed during the Paleolithic Era were made from chipped stones, wood and bone, and "nets from plant fibers and animal sinew" (Holt, Rinehart, & Wilson, n.d.: 2). The Neolithic Era brought forth greater specialization. People began to make chisels, drills, and saws to address specific needs and also polished stones to create sharper and more defined points (Holt, Rinehart, & Wilson, n.d.: 2). Language scholars trace the development of the first forms of systematized language to this era: "The crucial evolutionary development that led to the burst in creativity in the Neolithic was the emergence of human language as a method for integrating across cognitive modules" (MacWhinney 2005: 383). During this era, the use of stones began to have a utilitarian purpose in a manner that showed more sophisticated thinking.