
Great Barrier Reef Environmental Impacts

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Human activity largely impacts the Great Barrier Reef, from tourists to wider world issues such as climate change humans are widely responsible for damaging many ecosystems. Tourism has both negative and positive effects on the Great Barrier Reef. The main positive is the revenue that the tourism creates for local communities, this money can also go towards the upkeep of the area surrounding the Great Barrier Reef, and also by helping spread the message of how delicate the Great Barrier Reef’s ecosystem is. However tourism also has many negative impacts on the Great Barrier Reef. With more people in one area, the demand for natural resources increases. This can result in the overuse of natural resources as well as producing more waste and pollution. Some tourists may also not obey the rules at the Great Barrier Reef, this can cause damage to different organisms in the Great Barrier Reef. …show more content…

Pollution from land goes into rivers and streams, which then flows out into the ocean. The polluted water is changing the condition of the great barrier reef in a negative way. When sediment and other pollutants enter the water, they suffocate coral reefs, speed the growth of damaging algae, and lower water quality. Pollution can also make corals more prone to disease. Along with sediment and chemical pollutants there are many other materials that get dumped at sea. This includes metals, glass, wood, plastics, and also nuclear waste. Some studies estimate that roughly seven billion tones of litter is put into the ocean every year. Quite a large quantity of this litter is from plastics. Plastics are one of the largest issues for ocean ecosystems as it can take several decades for plastic to decompose. Ingesting plastics is fatal, and around one million seabirds around the world die every year because of the

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