
Gregor Kenner Interview

Decent Essays

Gregor Aleksandr is a very well-liked man according to many of the people I interview. First, a little background information on Dr. Aleksandr he got his bachelor’s degree from the University of Arkansas in Marketing and Management. He got his master’s degree in Business Administration from University of Southern California. Also, he got his doctorate degree from the University of Arkansas. He is now teaching in the business department at Arkansas Tech University and is a very liked man. I interview several people about him and they had nothing, but nice things to say about him. Dr. Smith a colleague of Dr. Aleksandr said “He is one of the smartest people I know, anytime I have a question I go to him and he always has an answer”. Also, I asked Dr. Smith what he heard other students say about Dr. Aleksandr and he said, “the other students say, he is a hard teacher, but you learn so much in class that will stay with you for the rest of your life”. Dr. Smith had this to say about Dr. Alexsandr the first time they met, “he acted like we had known each other our whole lives and talked to me about personal life outside of teaching”. Randy Rogers, a former student of Dr. Aleksandr said, “He is the hardest teacher I have ever …show more content…

Aleksandr said he is the greatest teacher in the world. I asked Blake how he has helped him improve as a student he said, “I ask lots of questions now and if I ever need help I go straight to him without waiting”. I asked Blake how Dr. Aleksandr was in the class and said he is very stern, but it’s because he wants all of students to succeed and become leaders of the world one day, so he gets his very best out of all his students. I asked Blake ever could see Dr. Aleksandr and he said, not in a million years that guy will be working until the day he dies. According to Blake Dr. Aleksandr is a very liked man my his students and colleagues and he is even considering a run for the Governor of Arkansas in a few

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