
Gregorian Chants History

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The cd of chants that were released in the United States in 1994 from the Benedictine monks in Spain received great success and positive feedback from a variety of people. The popularity of these chants may be linked to the background of these chants. Chants such as these can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Gregorian chants, otherwise known as plainchant or plainsong, were often used as sacred music in churches during that era. Chants were sung by monks in the church and their purpose was to repeat scripture, typically from the Old Testament, without instrumental noises in the background. People in the church during that time thought of instruments to be distracting in their worship practices, so the chants remained rather plain. Majority of the people living in …show more content…

Chants were originally called plain because of their monophonic style. The chants are merely a melody with no clear meter or rhythm. They also lack a beat, yet have a reciting tone. All of the characteristics of chants cause them to be relaxing to listen to. When people like to de-stress, chants are pleasant to listen to, which might be linked to their popularity in the United States. People may also enjoy listening to the music because of its acapella nature. Many songs that are published in the United States have instrumental music playing in the background. Chants may arouse a perception of awe in those who listen to it from the United States because it is unlike the music that they normally hear. Everyone in the World who has the ability to listen to music may be looking for something different than another person. Someone could be searching for a certain beat or rhythm. They could be looking for a pitch, a particular voice part, or an instrument that interests them. This is why so many people have a diverse taste in the music that pleases

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