
Griffith Transformation Lab Report

Decent Essays

Describe experiments that determined that DNA is the inherited genetic material of living organisms

Frederick Griffith who is a British Microbiologist, a creator of Griffith Transformation Experiment which involves two strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae such as a virulent and a harmless strain. The virulent strain is called as smooth cells (S cells), whereas the harmless strain is called rough cells (R cells). The living S cells are injected into the mouse, S strain kills the mouse because of its protection by capsule from the mouse's defense. Next, the living R cells are injected into the mouse, R strains does not kill the mouse because it lacks a capsule. The heated-killed S cells are injected to the mouse, the mouse is healthy because the heating deteriorates the capsule so that the mouse's defense kills the strain. Then, the heat-killed S cells mixed with living R cells are injected into the mouse, the mouse got killed because the heat destroys the S cells' capsule which then releases its virulent DNA. These DNA will take up with the living R cells and transform into virulent R cells which cause the death of the mouse. …show more content…

Transcription is the process of using DNA to make template RNA strain. RNA polymerase is one the most important enzyme for transcription which happens inside of the nucleus. This enzyme binds to DNA by a promoter and unwinds DNA into 2 separate strands such as template strand and coding strand. RNA polymerase moves along the template strand, copying one strand into a molecule of RNA. The enzyme is transcribed until it hits a stop codon, then the RNA strand releases from the DNA and the transcription ends.

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