
Guidance Leaflet

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Tenpin Guidance Leaflet

This is a guidance leaflet aimed towards Tenpin employees it will give you knowledge and understanding regarding HR policies, procedures and guidance on high standards of conduct.

Internal factors
These can impact on the employment relationship (over and above statutory minimum)
Probation- All new employees must complete and be successful in a three month probation period (management six months). All employees are subject to meet set criteria by their final review sign off in areas of:- * CPL on line training. Training in basic skills such as Safety at Work, Food Safety and Fire Awareness. Subject to minimum pass levels within these courses. * Measurements against minimum levels of absence, …show more content…

Employee rights and benefits * Written contract of employment/ guaranteed working hours * Rights to request flexible working * Rights not to be discriminated against * Statutory holiday, maternity, paternity and adoption pay * Statutory minimum wage * Minimum rest breaks

Worker’s rights and benefits * Protection against unlawful discrimination/ protection against wage deductions * Right not to be treated less favourable then an employee if work part-time (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment Act 200) * Work to terms of contract of employers * Statutory minimum wage * Statutory minimum holiday, maternity, paternity and adoption pay * Minimum rest breaks

Self- employed Rights * Rights and responsibility set out in terms of contract with their client * Protected for their health and safety on our premises * In some cases protected against discrimination (Equality Act) * Responsible for own equipment * No holiday pay entitlement * Accountable for paying own NI and tax
(Malcolm Martin, Fiona Whiting and Tricia Jackson, human resources practice, employment status p.51, p.52)

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