
Guilt And Clamence In 'The Fall' By Albert Camus

Decent Essays

Kathleen Meserve
Theology IV
Reflection Paper
Monday October 30th
The notion of guilt and innocence in an individual, the awareness of the absurdity of human actions, and the ambiguity of traditional values are all factors in an attempt to discern whether or not human nature is essentially bad or good. Camus exposes the morality of his own time and ours in The Fall with his sense of clarity and humane judgement; his belief that human nature is essentially corrupt erases all hope of humanity being considered virtuous. Dorothy Day was determined throughout her life to defend the essential goodness of humanity - she uses radical methods to convince others that the world is just and that love lies underneath all crime and corruption. It is my personal belief that the world is neither fundamentally corrupt or righteous; instead, that we have the ability to possess great variations in our emotional and physical responses to certain situations. I also believe it is important to have hope in the things that you cannot see. Essentially, these varying viewpoints on humanity can be boiled down to the difference between optimism and pessimism.
In Albert Camus’ book, The Fall, Frenchman Jean Baptiste Clamence uses the examination of his own life choices and the disgust he felt to coerce others into judging themselves and their fundamental corruption. When the reader, who is established a fellow Frenchman, is introduced to Clamence, he is told that Parisians represent the true

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