
Gun Restrictions

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“More than just an end to war, we want an end to the beginnings of all wars.” At the time, President Theodore Roosevelt was referring to actual war, however saying this quote in the present can mean something different. Our country is currently at war with gun control; sadly this war is not like the rest because we can’t fight this war with violence. The lack of restrictions on who can purchase a gun is making America an unsafe country for people of all ages; however, this issue can still be fixed through the use of public awareness and reaching out to the society. Although our country does have some restrictions as to who can buy a gun, there are no laws that require private sellers to have restrictions or run background checks on the people …show more content…

This is extremely dangerous because it could allow for a firearm to get into the hands of a dangerous person. To test this out, HBO ran an experiment to see how easy it was for a 13 year old in Virginia to purchase a rifle along with other things. The 13 year old tried buying lottery tickets, cigarettes, and alcohol; to no surprise, the boy was denied all three, however when he tried to buy a rifle from a gun show, he was able to purchase it and bring it home with no questions asked. (Blackwell, 2016) Quite obviously, it is ridiculous how the boy was basically laughed at for even attempting to buy alcohol and even lottery tickets, but the boy was able to purchase a gun without any bit of question. This experiment showed that if it was that easy for a 13 year old boy to purchase a gun, then what is to stop a psychopath or a mentally unstable person from buying one? Nothing. …show more content…

There are constantly events that happen in the United States that support increasing gun control. In fact, protests for gun control have been, and are still being, held all over the country that support restrictions on who should be able to purchase a firearm. Just recently there was a protest on gun control that was commonly known as the Parkland March on Our Lives protest. The protest was held by the students, adults, and children of America who felt that they needed to do something to halt the numerous shootings that have occurred due to lack of gun control. This shows that people all around the country recognize it as an issue and are fighting to put it to an end. If protesting isn’t your cup of tea, you could also try writing a letter to the legislators of your state. It’s always important to remember that our country is a democracy; every voice has say in what happens. Everybody has a voice in this society, what is important is that we use

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