
Handout 01BOSTON UNIVERSITYDepartment Of Mechanical EngineeringMechanics

Decent Essays

Handout #01
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics of Materials: A1 & B1

ME 305

Fall 2014

Course Information/Administration
Paul E. Barbone
Office and hours: Room EMA 221, 730 Commonwealth Avenue; phone: 617-353-6063;
Hours: Thursday 1:00-2:00 pm, Thursday 2:00-3:00 pm, or by apppointment. Appointments can be scheduled by email:
Text: Sanjay Govindjee, Engineering Mechanics of Deformable Solids, Oxford; 2013.
ISBN: 978-0-19-965164-1
Grading: Approximate allocations of credit for work for the semester is as follows:
Midterm exam:
Final Exam:
Design and Project Assignments:
Laboratory Reports from Demonstrations (3):
Teaching Fellows:
Saman Seifi …show more content…


ME 305

Mechanics of Materials: A1 & B1

Fall 2014

Academic Misconduct:
Academic misconduct is conduct in violation of the conduct code, and/or other unethical conduct. I will report to the COE Academic Conduct Committee any action that I believe constitutes misconduct.
Some examples of misconduct are listed below. (The following was copied from the CAS Conduct Code website ( on 3 September
The following list contains examples of academic misconduct, and is not intended to be complete. Note that, although the examples refer to written assignments and exams, the same rules apply to assignments and exams that are administered or presented orally or by some other non-written means. (Adapted from Academic
Dishonesty among College Students, S. Maramark and M. B. Maline, US Dept. of
Education report no. OR-93-3082, August 1993.)
• Copying from another student’s exam or assignment.
• Allowing another student to copy from your exam or assignment
• Allowing another student to see your exam or to see part or all of your assignment before you hand it in, unless authorized by the instructor

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