Having effective policies in place is important when dealing with the management of a business in order to set guidelines for the people involved in the business, so they how it works and what is expected of them in order for the business to function effectively. If no policies are found within a business, it will be in trouble when a problem arises and there is not a base or rules to follow. Also, policies help explain what is important for the business and what it enforces and protects. For that reason, I decided to implement some important policies in Escape Restaurant and Night Club in order to provide a foundation for the business to be effective, safe, and profitable.
Ethical Computer Use
The Ethical Computer Use
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For example, employees could copy customer’s information from their names, phone numbers, and credits card information and sale it to people interested or use it outside for their personal use and could even lead to identity theft and negatively affect the company’s reputation and image if the customers feel that their personal information is not protected. By having this policy, the guidelines regarding the intended use of customer’s information, employees would be careful not to do other things with the information. They would now that they should protect the information and anything other than the intended use of the information stated in the policy would get them in trouble and they would face the consequences.
Acceptable use policy
In order for employees to access Escape’s email, information systems, and the internet, the will have to agree to follow the acceptable use policy. If there was no acceptable use policy in place for escape, employees would not have the guidelines for what is acceptable when accessing the business computer systems and information, as result they can use the business information and computers to unlawful or illegal actions which could negatively affect the business dramatically. Also, they could steal the information and sale or give it to competitors or they could even get the business to get in problems. In order to prevent
Never discuss or disclose information about the company to others except on a “need to know” or “need to use” basis.
Each company may have different kind of sensitive information, for example for a bank both credit card numbers and marketing strategy may be considered as a compromising data; therefore there must be a clear policy governing who has access to different type of sensitive information, a bank officer serving a customer may have access to credit card numbers while marketing specialist reviewing promotion strategy of the bank may be able to access marketing data.
Answer 7. Every single child is different and will like and dislike different activities, and their won way and pace of learning. Angela should ensure that both Manshu and Jessica are given equal opportunities and an environment that lets them grow and learn at their own pace keeping in mind the difference in their age, stage and their own individual preferences. They should feel safe, secure and happy in their surroundings. It is her responsibility to ensure she caters to their individual needs effectively by carefully planning for each child, taking observations and getting to know their personal likes and dislikes. She should ensure that both of them are heard, more importantly heard with interest and their views and
My plan to eliminate such problems include the forcing shutdown of restaurant at first violations, to not allow the reopen. We as society should not have to be worrying about dining out or about seeing a violation sign stating this restaurant has had such violations.
Policies and procedures are created to guide staff and parents / caregivers to familiarise themselves with the service’s practices, this allows them in detail information regarding what to expect from the service. Policies should be to date documents that are regularly reviewed to ensure they are applicable to all the needs of those working in such establishments.
Living in Florida we reside so close to the ocean and other big bodies of water. The water is a way of enjoyment and can improve lives greatly. That is, unless it's polluted. Therefore, by taking care of our beloved water we would be improving not only our lives but wildlife and plant's lives extraordinarily. So Public Policy 403.021 hopes “that control, regulation and abatement of the activities which are causing or may cause pollution of the air or water resources.... be increased to ensure conservation of natural resources” so our environment can benefit (Statues 1). The code requires industries to “encourage” the installment of new machinery that could help the quality of the air and water. Thus, decreasing the outraging amount of pollution
emphasis on regulatory science" (Smith, 2016, p. 49). By keeping the events in logical order it makes the memo coherent. Lastly, the summary organization is compact, making it easy to access for the reader. The author uses a good quality of writing skill by using more short sentences, rather than compact to improve the flow of the paper. "
There are many policies and regulations that affect the restaurant industry, mainly related to the health and food safety, workforce and tax/profitability of the business.
It is important to understand the policy-making process especially for advocates who plan what type of input is needed in order to have an impact on the final policy. There are a few interesting factors between health policy and social policy. The Social policy deals more with the distribution and maintenance of economic solvency, as well as the provision of services such as housing and transport to specific target groups such as the poor. While in health policy the focus is more on in meeting the health needs of a specific population. In the same manner health insurance policies perhaps were
In today’s health care system it is constantly improving and changing, due to the demands of the health care system. For this to happen new policies must be created or even improving old policies. Congress is involved in the process of policy making; including three stages such as foundation stage, legislative stage, and implementation stage. When a health care topic is in process of becoming a policy it hopes to reach a desired outcome to have a positive effect on people. In the policy making model it has its strengths and limitations. Its strength is the reduction of complexity of policy making to manageable. The
In order to first start a policy process, the problem for which a policy is to be created must be identified and the policy holding a solution to the problem. Researchers and stakeholders will investigate the problem to identify if the policy will reach the policy making agenda. Policies must be to improve society’s health and wellbeing. In the United States (U.S.) public health related issues that require a formulation of a new policy and come from local, state, or federal legislations which ruling govern the provision of health care services and regulations. In this
When making public policy decisions, policy makers must face a world with imperfect information and a finite amount of resources. Both of these realities put limitations on how effectively a policymaker can make people’s lives better off. Obviously, it is impossible for anyone to perfectly predict how a certain policy will play out when it is enacted. This includes policymakers, who despite their noble goals of increasing the well-being of society, can only make an educated guess about the effects a policy will have. Factors such as the fickleness of human nature or hidden information creates uncertainties that are hard to address when making policy. For example, in 1929 the causes of the Great Depression were not fully understood, but
Policy implementation is “the application of the policy by the government 's administrative machinery” (Anderson, 2011, 4). Policy implementation is different from agenda-setting and policy formulation. Policy implementation deals with applying the government’s policy into effect to the problem that it is trying to solve. While the first part of the policy process, agenda-setting, is deals more with trying to get the government to consider action on the problem you are addressing. After the government has considered a course of action to fix or alieve the problem, policy formulation comes next. The second part of the policy process, policy formulation, deals with proposing a certain solution to the problem. In most cases, the person, group or organization that identifies the problems, also recommends a solution to the problem.
Introduction: - We know that policy is one of the important components for running of any sector. If we talk about education sector policy regarding education play an important role for smooth running of sector. There are many policies which are made in different periods for education. If we talk about pre and post-independence period there are many policies which are formulated. After the eighteen year of independence the commission call Kothari commission made by policy maker which has various important recommendations for education. After that commission the first national policy on education come called 1968 national policy on education.
Colebatch (2009, p. 47) defined policy as “The exercise of authority to achieve collective purposes. Policy is the pursuit of goals. The assumption is that policy is a purposive course of action”. Therefore, policy is processes acquired and followed by organisations to prevent and resolve contemporary difficulties. Public policy is policy for a public area or shared intent. It is when an organisation owns the policy (Baker, 2015).