
Hawaii Descriptive Essay

Satisfactory Essays

No one could have asked for a more perfect day, nor a perfect place to tie the knot. In Kauai, Hawaii it's a glorious & nothing but sunshine filled afternoon. The smell of freshly cut grass & soothing scents of different floral and tropical smells crowded the air. The warm, soft breeze of the wind was just perfect to where it just created calm waves in the liquid blue ocean just over the horizon. As more family and friends of the bride and groom started to flood the venue, the nerves of the groom started to show in his presentation. The nervous pacing back and forth, the inside of his palms start to sweat, and the rapid tapping of his foot starts to increase. Moments later it's finally time for everyone to take their seats.
Everyone heads to the freshly painted white seats. The white, wooden chairs are lined neatly in three separate rows and on each chair hangs a small baby pink satin bag stuffed with flower pedals. The soothing sound of the performer strumming his ukulele and singing “over the rainbow” begins to play, which signals that the ceremony is about to begin. Everyone rises out of their chairs and rotates so they are facing the bride as she slowly walks down the flower petal covered grass towards the love of her life. She looks nothing less than stunning, her skin is glowing, the beautiful glistening white dress trails behind her with every step she takes. She looks at the ground and smiles from ear to ear, trying to mask her jubilant expressions. It was easy to

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