
Health Intervention Plan

Decent Essays

When I first started this study, I had one objective: I wanted to see a difference in my mood and energy levels. When I was in high school, I always used to read articles and scroll past Instagram posts about fitness. It was not until my junior year of high school when I really made the decision to be serious about my health. Lately, I noticed that I have been struggling to both stay awake and be in a good without caffeine - specifically, coffee. And so, I wanted to change that through a more natural technique: working out. The one thing I did to turn my sluggish, low levels of energy around was work out. I did this by engaging in Pop Pilates: a series of workouts that often involve high intensity interval training, and primarily, the use …show more content…

Whenever my workload started to feel like too much and became overwhelming, I immediately made the decision to go for a run and do some Pilates for that day. Not only did I relieve an enormous amount of stress, but I also saw that I exerted less negative energy around people, specifically at school and at work. Instead, I was more focused and less brain fog, and able to carry out my day to day tasks more efficiently. However, I do admit to having days where it became difficult for me to stay motivated and consistent with working out. On those days, I was both enormously stressed and worn out because I had exams and important papers that were due all within the same week. Although I tend to be deadline driven, I struggle with time management during the most stressful times of the semester. I took note of my energy levels and behavior and made sure to include those days where there was a drop. In this situation, I learned that I am capable of handling so much more than I think. My behavior post-workout is evidence that my intervention plan works. For every workout that I completed, I felt more motivated to keep going. Every moment of success meant that I needed to push myself so that I stay consistent with my workouts. Both my physical and emotional well-being were elevated because I believed in

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