When I first started this study, I had one objective: I wanted to see a difference in my mood and energy levels. When I was in high school, I always used to read articles and scroll past Instagram posts about fitness. It was not until my junior year of high school when I really made the decision to be serious about my health. Lately, I noticed that I have been struggling to both stay awake and be in a good without caffeine - specifically, coffee. And so, I wanted to change that through a more natural technique: working out. The one thing I did to turn my sluggish, low levels of energy around was work out. I did this by engaging in Pop Pilates: a series of workouts that often involve high intensity interval training, and primarily, the use …show more content…
Whenever my workload started to feel like too much and became overwhelming, I immediately made the decision to go for a run and do some Pilates for that day. Not only did I relieve an enormous amount of stress, but I also saw that I exerted less negative energy around people, specifically at school and at work. Instead, I was more focused and less brain fog, and able to carry out my day to day tasks more efficiently. However, I do admit to having days where it became difficult for me to stay motivated and consistent with working out. On those days, I was both enormously stressed and worn out because I had exams and important papers that were due all within the same week. Although I tend to be deadline driven, I struggle with time management during the most stressful times of the semester. I took note of my energy levels and behavior and made sure to include those days where there was a drop. In this situation, I learned that I am capable of handling so much more than I think. My behavior post-workout is evidence that my intervention plan works. For every workout that I completed, I felt more motivated to keep going. Every moment of success meant that I needed to push myself so that I stay consistent with my workouts. Both my physical and emotional well-being were elevated because I believed in
Lauren Smith is a five year old Caucasian girl who is demonstrating anxiety when separated from her mother. The family was referred to this service by their pediatrician. Over the past few months, Mr. and Mrs. Smith report Lauren has become increasingly troubled when being separated from her mother. She cries while clinging to her each morning before school and her father describes having to “pry her off” and carry her to the car. Lauren’s parents are also concerned with regressive behavior; she is speaking more often in third person when referring to herself, and she has also begun wetting the bed nearly every night. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had a conference with Lauren’s teacher two weeks ago at which time she told them Lauren was having difficulty concentrating and completing her work. The teacher also voiced concerns about her lack of interest in participating in group activities; she appears to prefer to play by herself. The parents report that Lauren is otherwise healthy and has been meeting age appropriate developmental milestones.
The practice that assist a therapist in determining a client diagnosis and the proper treatment plan that would resolve the issue surrounding the clinet’s diagnosis is Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning. The clinet’s treatment plan must be appropriate and relational and this will alow any type of medication and adaptions to be adjusted if needed so that modifications and adaptations can be adjusted as needed (Altman, Briggs, Frankel, Gensler, and Pantone, 2002). The ultimate goal of case conceptualization and treatment planning is to discover complete findings in relation to the client. One approach is Existential Therapy. The human
This behavior change project has become a huge part of my everyday life. I lost sight of how important staying in shape affects my overall mental state along with my physical well-being. Having a life that consists of so many activities such as going to school, working, and maintaining a full and happy relationship with the people I care about is hard to balance with just making time for myself. That is why keeping this three day a week workout regime over the past five weeks has been so important; it made me realize that I can make time to focus on just working on myself, and in turn, improve all other aspects of my life. Realizing of course that there are many people in this world that have real life health problems that they seek professional help for. These changes in their lives require a system or a theory that must be applied to develop a strategic an organized way to regulate or change their behavior.
In this document Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS) is a developed program by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment also known as CSAT. This program plan is the treatment of substance use disorders based on the specific needs of women. I was not aware of this program so I had learned quite a few from this document. TIPS main mission is to build resilience and supporting recovery for people that are risk of having mental or substance use disorders. They give out information and guidance for women. TIPS focus on clinical practices and researches that are concentrated on substance abuse treatment for women. I learned that there are differences between treating men and women. That you have to do treatment based on women’s needs and lifestyles.
Intervention Central is a free online resource for teachers and school districts to use for the implementation of intervention in or outside of the classroom while following the Common Core State Standards. Jim Wright, a psychologist and school administrator out of New York, created Intervention Central in hopes that the website would help offer high quality RTI in even the lowest budgeted schools. The website offers a wide variety of tools for teachers to use for academic and behavioral interventions as well as assessments and informative articles. Intervention Central also offers training videos and webinars on many different topics. The site breaks the intervention process activities down by subject and subject areas.
There have been several policy-level measures to address the environment of the health care system and how it contributes to health disparities. First, as seen in Figure 3, the uninsured rate in the United States has declined by 43% following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA. According to National Health Interview Survey data, the increases in insurance coverage under the ACA were substantial across all races and ethnicities [11], increasing access to care for minorities which is an essential step in eliminating disparities. More notably, the ACA has also designated funding towards the diversification of the workforce. These measures took form in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Disparities Action
Therapeutic sessions assist in enhancing the member’s individual’s thoughts as well as those they are building relationships with. The support that they have from family, friends, significant others and the community is essential in their well-being as interactions with others are crucial for development of a sense of self (Meyer, 2003).
We’ve all gone through this feeling of exhaustion known as exercise. It can tire us out, yet leave a rewarding, kind of paradoxical feeling of energy.
As the famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, “Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.” During my 3 years of training, I learned much about what it takes to make an out of shape person to a healthy and fit person with just the right decisions and knowledge. For instance, I learned the importance of consistency, in which in order to be actively fit and healthy, there must be consistency. As a young fitness fanatic, I
Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful day? According to a 2006 research paper published by University of Texas at Austin, a workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk can help.(Logos) Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.
Telepsychology is a relatively new development within the field of mental health service. The American Psychological Association defines it as the “provision of psychological services using telecommunication technologies. . . Telecommunication technologies include but are not limited to telephone, mobile devices, interactive videoconferencing, email, chat, text, and Internet (e.g., self-help websites, blogs, and social media).”(2016). Within the general category of telepsychology, psychological services that are delivered via the internet are referred to as “e-therapy”, “itherapy”, “cybertherapy”, and other similar names. E-therapy is a natural extension of our technological advancement, the growth of psychology as a field, and our ever increasing
The author states that the best way to set up an intervention plan for our clients is “to start with the client. Ask the client about what it is that he or she wants to work on” (Ward & Mama, 2006, 131). The author suggests that we may see the obvious things that the client wont and that we should see if it would be an interest for them to work on it as well. (Ward & Mama, 2006, 131) But that we should wait until the end of our meeting after the client has told us what they want to work on. After we have done out intervention plan the author explains that we need to take our plan to our supervisors and explain the client and the presenting issues and goals to them so that they have sense
This proposed public health intervention is based on the conceptual framework developed by QUT and the AIHW, which considers the downstream, midstream and upstream determinants of health (Draper et al., 2004).
I began to slack off on my exercising, being that I could already lift a great deal more than any of my friends, not to mention I had gained an additional five pounds bringing my total weight gain to twenty pounds. Adding even more difficultly to maintaining my exercise routine, I took on a career as a traveling salesman, requiring me work long days and living out of hotels most of the year. I also continued in poor eating, abuse alcohol, and sleep for only a few hours a night. Over the next two years of irregular and undedicated exercise, I had lost ten pounds and nearly all my strength. I began to notice my life style had suddenly taking a toll on my overall health, sending me to the emergency room on several occasions. I soon realized that I needed to make a change in my life style or it was going to destroy me. I again turned to exercise for the answers I needed to make the change. I had heard many times before, while talking to other people who worked out, that it is very important to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and avoid alcohol if I wanted to see results from exercising. I was always quick to brush off advice like this, because I seemed to be making progress without following such strict rules, but I knew now that I need to make a change. I set out to achieve a healthy life style and began to use exercise as a source of