
Heart Disease And Stroke Statistics 2017 Update

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1. Heart disease and stroke statistics—2017 update: a report from the American Heart Association, January 25, 2017].Circulation. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000485. 2. G. Michael Felker, et al, red blood Cell Distribution Width as a Novel Prognostic Marker in Heart Failure: Data from the CHARM Program and the Duke Databank. Jo Am Coll Cardiology, Vol 50, Issue 1, 3 July 2007. 3. Marcello Tonelli, Frank Sacks, et al. relation between red blood Cell Distribution Width and Cardiovascular Event Rate in People with Coronary Disease. Circulation. published January 14, 2008:163-168 4. Giuseppe Lippi1, Luca filippo et al. Clinical Usefulness of Measuring Red blood Cell distribution width on admission in patients with acute coronary syndromes. …show more content…

12. Domingo A Pascual Figal, et al. Red blood cell distribution width predicts long-term outcome regardless of anemia status in acute heart failure patients. European Journal of Heart Failure 11(9):840-6.September 2009. European Journal of Heart Failure 13. Gianni Turcato,etal. The Role of Red Blood Cell Distribution Width for Predicting 1-year Mortality in Patients Admitted to the Emergency Department with Severe Dyspnoea. Journal of Medical Biochemistry.Vol36, Issue 1, P32–38, January 2017. 14. Neeraj Shah, Mohit Pahuja,et al. Red cell distribution width and risk of cardiovascular mortality: Insights from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)-III. International Journal of Cardiology. Volume 232, Pages 105–110.2017. 15. Yahya AL-Najjar, Kevin M Goode, et al. Red cell distribution width: An inexpensive and powerful prognostic marker in heart failure, European Journal of Heart Failure 11(12):1155-62 .December 2009. 16. Łukasz Wołowiec, Daniel Rogowicz, et al. The prognostic significance of red cell distribution width (RDW) and other red cell parameters in patients with chronic heart failure during two years of observation. kardiologia polska.07.01.2016.( 17. Gabrilove JL. Introduction and overview of hematopoietic growth factors. Semin Hematol 1989;26:1-4. 18. G. Michael Felker,Adams KF Jr, et al. Anemia as a risk factor and therapeutic target in heart failure. J Am Coil Cardiol.vol44, issue5, September 2004,

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