
Hegemonic Masculinity In Dude You Re A Fag

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When it comes to gender studies, the term of hegemonic masculinity is generally used to describe a theory of male dominance in society and culture. By exploring gender roles and its interplay with race and class, hegemonic masculinity seeks to explain how men have historically maintained a position of dominance in society, and why such dominance has been successfully maintained. Hegemonic masculinity has been historically maintained around the world, in different cultures, in a wide variety of ways. Historically, for example, denying women legal rights, or more brutal methods such as domestic violence or female circumcision and rape, were all tools that were part of maintaining this particular hegemony. It is important to note that hegemonic …show more content…

Compulsive heterosexuality suggests that our sexual orientation is forced on us subconsciously by the patterns and cultural mores of the existing community that we are born into. In the straight-dominated society we live in, heterosexuality is considered the natural and most acceptable sexual orientation to have. This concept is re-examined by Pascoe, who finds that it has an effect on rape culture in the United States. “Gender touching” is a socially, culturally entrenched mode of behavior in which sexual aggression by males and their entitlement to female bodies is suggested repeatedly in the boys’ behavior. These behaviors include sexually aggressive speech, closing space physically to touch the girl against her will and subconsciously breaking her boundaries. This kind of touching asserts the physical dominance of the male and teaches the girl to expect his touches, as he is entitled to them. Girls tend to participate because that is what they think they are supposed to do. They have been groomed to think that their place in society involves this kind of touching because this culture of gender roles has been reinforced in our society for …show more content…

The international controversy caused by the leading sports authorities of the world being unable to classify Semenya’s gender, after an invasive gender verification test led to a discussion on intersex issues. Even though the treatment of Semenya was disrespectful in the extreme, it was hidden in terms of racial prejudice but as the article continues the issue of sexual prejudice is acknowledged. One scientist in Merck’s article proposes three additional sexes. People who have one testis and one ovary, people who have ovaries and some aspect of the male genitalia but lack testes, and people who have testes and some aspect of female genitalia but no ovaries. Although, it remains clear that a long road remains for accepting intersex people and removing the social construction of sex and

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