I’m Hennewaah Naana Asomah a student in the the INTO mason graduaute pathway in International Commerce and Policy. I hold a bacgelors degree in Economics and Socioogy.I am driven to succeed and enjoy the rewards of being successful. My interests sway from topic to topic but my passion for each remains the same. have a lot of ambitions for myself, including going to a university and having a family. I dream of traveling the world and either volunteering, studying or working before settling down and starting a life. I have always seen myself working some sort of branch of psychology, such as therapy, counseling, or rehabilitation. I feel as though in whatever I do, I want to be a place of comfort and reliability; a safe haven for someone in
Being leader of my DofE group, volunteering as an activity mentor at a summer camp, assisting at an Elderly home via NCS, and particularly, speaking to the homeless when participating in food runs allowed me not only develop better interpersonal and mentoring skills, but also refined my sense of duty to help others, many of which have untapped potential due to situation, viz mental illness or motivational issues. This is my biggest motivator for pursuing a career in Psychology. I aim to do a DClinPsy and expand research into personality, providing the skills and knowledge required for me to effectively assist others in overcoming cognitive issues, similar to how I did at age
I am David Terrell from Little Rock, Arkansas. Just a little about myself, I currently attend The University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee, where I am acquiring a Bachelor of Arts in politics with a minor in history. In politics, I study under the concentrations of national institutions and policies, identity and diversity, and law and justice. In history, I focus on American and European histories. The University's liberal arts curriculum has taught me skills of leadership, research, analytics, writing, and public speaking skills.
Bio: I am a 23 year old Ethiopian Adoptee. I was adopted, along with my twin sister, in 1992, at 18 months old. Currently, I am attending Virginia Commonwealth University pursuing a masters in Education.
Since a young age, I have always felt a special connection with children and how they are affected by physical disabilities and psychological disturbances. In this instance, all I can do is volunteer at different organizations to achieve my life purpose. Helping children feel better has always been what makes me feel glad. Currently, I am in the second semester of my psychology major, which I plan to extend to the fullest. Becoming one of the most distinguished women in child psychology in my residential area, being able to help children overcome traumas and frustrations, would stand for my goal completed. My belief is that every bit of who you become as an adult is because of how you felt as a child. I want to be there for those low-income families with children with behavioral disorders, who are not able to help pay for the consultations. When I have enough funds necessary my plan is to establish my kids' organization focused on helping children with a mental
When asked what I want to do with my life, my answer is simply to help others. Although this answer is one would expect to hear from just about anyone, I have always been encouraged by mentors and parents to do what I love. In my case, helping others brings me a great deal of satisfaction. The human body and how it is able to adapt has always been a fascination of mine, and from a young age I identified the health care field as an ideal fit for my interests in medicine, as well as my passion for helping others. With these two drives in mind, I found myself at the age of sixteen with a career goal in mind: Occupational Therapy.
I chose to do this for the same reason others majoring in psychology do: we have a yearning to help and provide love and comfort to people. Our motives for doing this may come from different places but our goals are all relatively the same. We just want assist people. With the education I achieve, I want to be able to guide people from all walks of life through difficult times. I want to be able to help them get their life back together again and continue living instead of getting stuck in the past, or constantly worrying about the inevitable. My ultimate dream would be to get into a good grad school after finishing my undergraduate. Whether I choose to aim for a masters or a doctorate is still to be
Some people spend their entire lives constantly asking themselves, “What do I ultimately want to do with the time I am given here on Earth?” On the other hand, some individuals are lucky enough to have insight on what exactly they want to accomplish or who they want to become. Yet despite this, they never have the courage or ambition to manifest it into existence. Fortunately for me, I have always had a clear vision of what I plan on doing in my future, and I’m certainly not hesitant to make it a reality. Naturally, I am a compassionate person who enjoys helping others, and I’m also intensely interested in health and wellness.
What I planning to be, I don’t even need to go to college. Not all people can become this kind of person though. I am planning to be a peer specialist which is a type of mental health professional. Not all people can qualify to be a peer specialist. Only certain people can be a peer specialist because of what they do. To be a peer specialist you must go through therapy for your own problems you had and you have to have recovered. I went to a psych ward 3 times in a year span and I recovered. I always wanted to help people who have gone through what I went through and I found what it was called and how to be one.
I knew my career would consist of me counseling individuals. I would like to be a mental health counselor because I would like to help clients identify symptoms and develop a treatment plan. I would like to ensure that my clients receive the best plan which will lessen the degree of their condition. In order to overcome their condition, the individuals would have to develop healthy growth and show signs that symptoms are going away. The individual would have to make strides in overcoming the barriers which may hold him back.
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a mental health therapist. I want to work with kids and help them through whatever they might be going through. I want to be able to talk about what it is like to have a mental health issue.
Psychology has been a passion of mine since I first took AP psychology in high school, and I knew then that psychology was the major for me. Beyond that, I had no idea what exactly I wanted to do in the field of psychology. The ideas of working in child psychology or clinical and even experimental have all run through my mind as I have tried to assess my potential career and life paths. This past semester, I received the opportunity to travel and study abroad in Ireland. There I immersed myself in Irish culture and I got to explore an entirely new path and new way of using what I have learned thus far in my academic career.
My entire life I have always been on the search of a career that would fit my persona, fit who I truly am, and to become someone who will constantly have the ability to help people through their difficult problems that they face. Throughout my life I have been deemed the type of person that people felt comfortable coming to with their problems. Maybe people feel this way because they sense that I have a sympathetic ear? Well, all I can say is that human behavior has always seemed interesting to me and that is probably why I made the decision to go down the psychology career pathway.
From that moment on, I viewed education and begin always ready to learn as the key to success. My curiosity and my need to know the answers to questions concerning why things are the way they are inspired me to develop an interest in psychology and that lead to my current dream of becoming a psychiatrist. I don't have a set in stone plan, but it starts with going to the University of California, San Diego next fall semester to earn a bachelor degree and probably participate in a study abroad program. I will take my general education courses as well as taking courses to meet medical school requirements. During that time frame, I will volunteer in a hospital or a clinic to gain hands-on experiences. After attaining my bachelor degrees, I will be working on pursuing a medical degree. Form then on, I see what else I need to do to attain that job and complete those steps.
comes I'm hoping to be a professional cosmetologist working in a salon or even owning a salon myself in California or Mexico. My goal is to have completed beauty school, so that I can get my salon and be my own boss to bolster my family. I will not be such a reticent person anymore, but instead I will now be more communicative and vociferous. I will have a stable income and a family to look upon to. My plans are also to exercise more and be robust. My family is the most precious thing I have in the world because they are the ones who push me forward to succeed my dreams. I can just imagine how euphoric I would be to have the life I have always planned
My dream is to become a family and marriage therapist. Ever since I was a child I always knew I wanted to help people. I was very SYMPATHETIC to people's problems and always wonder how I could help solve them Or What could be running through their minds right at that very distinct moment. I always looked at family and marriage as one unit CONNECTED by circumstance being played together like dominos if one fell over the other thing would CRUMBLE to the ground. This STRUCK me so much because I grew up in a belief that a happy family makes a happy marriage vice versa. I also seen personal gain the reason I wanted to going into that field as well. I wanted to get more in tuned with myself as an individual.