
Hereditary Multiple Exostoses

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Hereditary multiple exostoses (HME) is a pediatric skeletal disorder which develops between birth and 12 years of age. The disorder has an occurrence of 1 out of 50,000 children. HME is characterized by the development of multiple benign bone tumors, referred to as exostoses, which develop throughout the skeletal system. Tumors usually develop on the end of long bones and flat bones during growth of the child and stop developing once the child has stopped growing (National Library of Medicine [NLM], 2013). HME is characterized by the development of multiple tumors on bone called osteochondromas which are composed of bony components with a cartilage cap. These tumors usually are not malignant, or noncancerous, and occur in two different forms. The first form being a broad based sessile osteochondroma and the second being a small based stalked osteochondroma (Ryckx et al., 2013). These exoctoses are very painful and discomforting to the affected child and cause functional impairment due to either compression of soft tissue or obstruction as a result of its size. Because the tumors develop during growth, limb deformities can develop causing physical distortions such as uneven limbs (Ham, 2013; NLM, 2013).
The number of osteochondromas and area where they occur vary between patients. Bones throughout the whole body from the clavicle to the foot are affected. A study performed by Clement and Porter. (2011) revealed 5361 exostoses in sites all over the body as seen in

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