
Hero And Beatrice In Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

Decent Essays

Shakespeare is a world renowned playwright that is famous for writing some of the best plays in all of history; It is “Much Ado About Nothing” that greatly captures shakespeare’s ideas of romance with a comical turn. The entire story is revolved around the romance of the characters of Hero and Claudio. What was supposed to be a peaceful wedding for Claudio and fair Hero was taken for a turn for the worst due to the mischievous trickery of Don John. The fause acquisition of Hero lead to her false death making for a stunning resurrection later on her wedding day. With the Wedding of Hero and Claudio came the proposal of Benedict to Beatrise soon later, due to more trickery. In the play “Much ado About Nothing” by William Shakespeare, Hero and Beatrice are Character foils of each other because of their personality, views on love, and the decisions they make. …show more content…

Hero complements others by saying, “So you walk softly, and look sweetly, and say nothing, i am yours for the walk” (Shakespeare 19). By giving out compliments to other character she shows her more compassionate side. On page 20 Beatrise says, “Why he is the prince’s jester: a very dull fool; only his gift is in devising impossible slanders… for he pleases men and angers them, and then they laugh at him and beat him” (Shakespeare 20). Instead of saying nice things about others Beatrise rudely insults them without end, thus showing how cruel she really is. While Hero is sweet and kind, beatrise is rude and shows malice and by this they both highlight each other's traits by giving a radical comparison of each

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