
High Blood Pressure And Stroke

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When it comes to finding the time to handle everything involved in work, family and everything else, sometimes their don 't seem to be enough hours in our day. This becomes more difficult when you find yourself lacking the energy you need to get through each day. Coffee is a cheap fix that many of us use to get up and going, but there are additional steps we can take to ensure we have the physical and mental energy we need to ensure we don 't neglect any important aspect of our lives. Get Enough Sleep If you find yourself not able to get everything done in your day and still have enough time for sufficient sleep, then you may need to cut back on your daily routine. Sleep is the single most fundamental requirement for having the energy we need. Chronically not getting enough of it can also lead to more serious problems. A higher risk of health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke should be more than enough incentive to ensure we all keep this basic requirement for a healthy and long life in place. Habits to ensure you get enough sleep include having a regular bed time that you stick to and being sure to turn off all those smartphones, tablets and laptops a couple hours before going to bed. The blue light they emanate has been shown to interfere with sleep patterns. Stay Hydrated Things like getting plenty of sleep and staying hydrated may sound basic, but it 's incredible how forgetful we can be about them. We are never more dehydrated then

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