
High Risk Obstetrical Care Case Study

Decent Essays

How can pregnant women in rural areas receive high risk prenatal care when there is no Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist nearby?

This might not be a question that you would expect a high school student to spend his summer studying. But as an intern at Boston MFM, a private, high-risk Obstetrical practice made up of present day and former members of the Harvard Medical School Faculty, I was tasked with devising a system to identify regions without local high risk obstetrical care for practice expansion. After learning more about the management of a high risk obstetrical practice, I used trade publications, internet research, and phone interviews with medical personnel to conduct market research and identify populations in need of services. …show more content…

The company is now in negotiations with four of these hospitals and a new practice is set to commence at a hospital in Winter Haven, Florida in March of this year. In addition to having learned how to think strategically about business development, I feel satisfaction knowing that as a result of my work, women in a rural part of Florida will soon have access to needed high level obstetrical care.

My interest in business began in eighth grade, when I started my own eBay business selling my old pokemon cards and became a top rated seller. I honed my interest in business by attending a summer business program in Boulder, Colorado where I learned how to develop a marketing plan and pitch a startup idea to real investors.

I am most excited, however, when I can combine my interest in business with my passion for engineering and robotics. Throughout high school, I have spent many hours each week in the robotics lab where I use my love of science and math to build a physical robot. In addition to playing a leadership role in designing the robot, I have greatly enjoyed the process of creating a brand for our team. In filming our team’s video, we debated how to portray our team as serious and driven, yet able to create a playful mood as we work. As a result of this discussion, the video opens with my co-captain

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