
High School Is A Wonderful Time

Decent Essays

High school is a wonderful time to have fun and make memories. The only thing that is commonly overlooked is, how much time and effort should be put into finding oneself and realizing what they want to be doing for the rest of their lives. Post high school plans are MAJOR decisions to be made that can impact the rest of someone’s life. Career wise Interior Design is the perfect major for anyone. Why is that? It combines many focal points that people look for in an occupation. Most people do not realize how exhilarating this career is. It is overlooked in certain areas of residence, because it is not as popular, but behind every hospital, stadium, office, select homes etc., there was an interior designer involved. There are jobs everywhere …show more content…

Ideas always start from somewhere, and some of those ideas have come from interior designers! Creativity can come in all raw forms and be created by anyone with the right mindset. “Working in the interior design field can provide you with the opportunity to express yourself creatively on a regular basis.” (Bayt 1). Even if one might struggle sometimes coming up with ideas there are still many chances to come back and prove yourself worthy, because everyday is a new day. With being creative that opens up many different positions one can hold with having an interior design degree. Some of those positions might include:
“Architectural assistant, Assistant/junior interior designer, CAD specialist, Color and materials designer, Commercial interior designer, Corporate designer, Educational designer, Facilities planner, Healthcare designer, Hospitality designer, Interior design consultant/coordinator, Interior design director, Interior designer, Kitchen designer, Lighting designer, Project designer, Renderer, Residential designer, Retail display/exhibition designer, Set designer, Space planner, Sustainability consultant/designer” (Bayt 1).
After all Interior Design has exponential growth opportunities. This is a very important factor when choosing a degree, because no one wants to be trapped in the same job and same pay for the rest of their lives. After all, they did work for something and moving up in rank is always a huge

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