
Hilary Clinton Essay

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Hillary Rodham Clinton, born on October 26, 1946, is currently the 67th United States Secretary of State working under Barack Obamas presidency. Up until this year, she was the United States Senator for the state of New York, starting in 2001. Before becoming the Senator for New York, she served as the First Lady of the United States for 8 years, which came to an end in 2001 when her husband, Bill, had completed his second term as President. Hillary acted as the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2008 election, falling short to Barack Obama. Although Hillary didn’t succeed in her bid for presidency, she still managed to accomplish many things in the various highly respected positions she was granted the …show more content…

All of these little accomplishments provided her with a greater knowledge of politics and what it like is to be such a highly respected authoritarian. All of this lead up to the first time she was given national attention which was in 1969 because she was the first student to give the commencement address at Wellesley College. After this she was interview on multiple talk shows as well as featured in many articles published throughout well known magazines. After she had graduated from college, she would go on to attend and graduate from Yale Law School. Once she had married Bill Clinton and he was elected

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