
Hildegard Of Bingen

Decent Essays

The Hildegard of Bingen was a great woman with a great story with that should be presented in a very tasteful way that can be explained to all generations. For this reason for my film I would care for it be a animated film, preferably 3-D so that way we can show a movie that all audiences even children can connect too. But, at the same time the movie shouldn’t be so childish that we can’t show the seriousness within her life. Now every movie has needs a main plot and for that I would need some parts from her life. For those parts of her life I would choose the writing of her three volumes of visionary theology. These include Scivias ("Know the Ways), Liber Vitae Meritorum ("Book of Life's Merits"); and Liber Divinorum Operum ("Book of Divine …show more content…

The first book of Scivias mainly spoke in three parts, reflecting the Trinity. The first and second parts are approximately equal in length, while the third is as long as the other two together. The first part includes a preface describing how she was commanded to write the work, and includes six visions dealing with themes of creation and the fall. The second part consists of seven visions deals with salvation through Jesus Christ, the Church, and the sacraments. The third part, with thirteen visions, is about the coming kingdom of God, through sanctification, and increased tension between good and evil. The final vision includes 14 songs, plus a portion of the music drama, which was later, published as the Ordo Virtutum. In each vision, she first described what she saw, and then recorded explanations she heard, which she believed to be the "voice of heaven." In the second book Liber Vitae Meritorum, Hildegard talks about the moral life in the form of dramatic confrontations between the virtues and the vices. Now for the last book, which is considered the most important and grand of the three books Liber Divinorum Operum, talks about ten visions of this work's three parts in cosmic …show more content…

Also all the other people would wear clothing that would suit the time period around the time of Hildegard, which is around the 1100s. I will have the film set in old Germany for the location with many images of the church and the old city of Bemersheim. The film would also flip to Rupertsberg, as well to England to refer to the Pope and King of England. The musical style of this would be classical and very religious if possible with plenty of hymns and chanting with the occasional play of instruments such as woodwinds, strings, and drums. As for the soundtrack I would include Symphonia Virginum, Antiphon: O rubur, and Hymn: Cum vox singuis. I chose these songs due to the relevance they have to Hildegard ad the fact they go perfectly with what would be the emotion of the film. I would include one or two of these pieces as diegestic music that way not everything is background music and they are quite suitable pieces for diegestic music. As for the choice of whether I would opt for a compilation score of other pieces or an original score from the present, the answer would have to be an original score from the present. I feel like a present-day composer could understand me better and create a compilation score that is perfect for such a film like

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