
Hillary Clinton Compare And Contrast

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2256492 The Donald vs Clinton The next presidential election is coming up and the two front runners for each party which currently are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton I personally wouldn’t vote for any of them, but for the sake to make our country great again it would take someone with much more experience. Many people want to vote for these people for the wrong reasons. Both of them are very different which is obvious because we have a bipartisan of democratic and republican. Both of them have good ideas and policies, but it all depends on what you agree with. People love Trump even though his remarks are usually vulgar or inappropriate too many people though people see right through that. Hillary Clinton has a good background in politics as she used to work for the government as secretary of state. Donald Trump is a republican which has said many things that sometimes he contradicts himself. He is against abortion, same sex marriage, Obamacare, birthright citizenship, support and expand free trade and prioritize green energy. The things that he does agree with is to keep god in public sphere, privatize social security, vouchers for school choice, gun ownership, higher tax on wealthy, support American exceptionalism, expand the military, avoid foreign entanglements, and capital punishment. Hillary Clinton is …show more content…

This coming year will probably be the worst year the only way to tell if they are a good president is too see which ever one of them make a noticeable change to the us or even the world. They both are opposite with what they believe in, but both have a reputation good and bad which makes them similar to each other even though Hillary Clinton is much more fit to become president because of her experience. If I get to vote I know who I am voting for that will benefit me and my people, both of them can become great presidents as long as they become

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