Hiro' intention has wanted to response well between his mom and his fiancé. American gavorment wants to put restriction to the new immigrant who are coming from Mexico. Hiro was stress about his solution so he feels trap in this situation. Me and my husband sometimes we fight each other over something but we don't want to any interference at all. i can't take care permanently my own so they have to take care of themselves when they grow up. when i just came to the united state i had hard time to adjust the weather. nobody has a perfect a relationship but if the tell you that they are having a perfect relationship they are lying to you. dog i s type of pet that they have more loyalty than the other pet if the owner take care them well. when
I have read a lot of books on the subject of culture and customs of the country. When I read the book “The Immigrant Advantage” of Claudia Kolker, I understand more about the immigrants’ culture and their lifestyle. Through the book, I found interesting things about all the ideas of immigrants like me. I read each chapter of the book, and in the book I realized there are three very good ideas of marriage, several generations living in the same household, and good neighbors.
The participants of the negotiation are Harborco, The Environmental League, the Local Federation of Labor Unions, other ports in the region, the Federal Department of Coast Resource (DCR), and Governor Sherwood of Seaborne. Harborco is interested in building and operating a deepwater port off the East Coast of Seaborne and in order to start the twenty-year project Harborco must first acquire a license from the, FLA, Federal Licensing Agency. However, the only way to acquire the license is if at least at least four of the five parties support Harborco’s project. The problem is that the other five parties have different perspectives regarding the Harborco project. Currently, the Environment League does not approve the project, because they are
For the Texoil negotiation, I was in the role of the Service Station Owner. As such, my main objective was to sell the station and get the best possible agreement. My BATNA was $400,000, which represented an offer from British Petroleum and my resistance point was $413,000 after tax, which represented the cost of my trip. My target was $488,000, which included an additional $75,000 to help tie me over until I found a job upon my return. This resistance point represents a purely financial alternative. However, there were several other criteria or interests other than strictly financial which could have been satisfied through non-financial means. My underlying interest or reason for selling the station was
Gina Blair and Daniel Trent cooperate and collaborate to achieve a common objective throughout their negotiation. A cooperative negotiation style is demonstrated as they combine their points of view regarding their clients concerns with outcomes to effectively solve the issues raised. The main focus of the negotiation is to reach an agreement rather than a continuous dispute. Accordingly, the conflicting objectives were resolved by compromises and solutions but forward by both Gina and Daniel. The negotiation style used between Gina and Daniel is described as principled negotiation where both parties jointly attack the problems arising to achieve a compromise.
Mary should decrease her reservation price for the house because there is only one proposition; on the other hand, this couple seems to be very interested by her house. However, the reservation price cannot decrease until $170.000, but it cannot reach the $215.000 as well.
In the story, ”Like Mexicans” by author Gary Soto explains how he was always told him to marry a girl from his same ethnicity, but unexpectedly fell in love and married a Japanese girl. Sotos grandmother advised him to marry a girl that fitted the stereotype of a Mexican girl. He decided to ask his mom about the issue. His mom agreed that if he were to find a righteous Mexican women to marry her. Soto decides to ask Scott as well, who happened to be a second generation okie. An okie was what his grandma would call any person that was from a different ethnicity than them. They talk about their future how one day they hope to reach the American Dream. They share the same vision of marrying someone. It was shocking to him, that he ended up marrying a Japanese woman because he never imagined marrying someone that wasn 't Mexican. When he was twenty years old, he fell in love with a girl that he knew his grandma would be concerned about. Soto told his mom about the woman and how she was the one for him and the more he talked about her the more his mom seemed to be worried. That’s when he realized that his mother wanted him to marry someone from his own social class. Everyone agreed that indeed he wasn 't good enough for his fiancee. One day Carolyn took Soto to her home to meet her parents. Soto was nervous, until he sees her house and how alike their houses looked. He acknowledges how alike their ethnicities were, mainly in the economic sense. As Soto is in the roadway he
The outcome of SHARC negotiation was a win win. Both recreational tours and recreation competition work out great with the large and small commercial. We were all on the same page about the issues that we need to discuss. The negotiation went well and everyone was friendly and nice throughout the whole way. We all listen to each other and our concerns were the same. At the end we just wanted everything to work out with everyone. Overall, this last negation was good.
Hiro and Hanna will marry soon, but they have some issue between their decision. Hiro’s mother wants to come to the United States to live with her son. On the one hand,Hiro has grown up more comfortable with American life;on the other hand, he has appreciated the great freedom of choice than the restrictions based on traditions. Hiro’s mother is a tradition Japanese person that she wants to live with Hiro and his fiance, especially Hiro is her only child. Hana,being American, doesn’t want to live with Hiro’s mother. Why they have chosen to talk to each other on last hour. If Hiro and Hana have conversation about Hiro’s mother wants to live with them before they have decided to marry, it will be more easier.You also know in Japenese tradition,
Last fall, my wife and I put our home up for sale. Our motivation was simple, with the money we would get from the sale of our home we could pay off all our debt and have plenty of money left over to invest, eventually saving enough to buy a bigger home. Emboldened by the allure of liquidity I listed our home for sale and waited for the offers. Indeed the offers did come in, in fact over the next few months we were in and out of escrow three times.
Negotiation is the process of making amicable decisions between individuals or groups. In this assignment, I will discuss a negotiation that did not result in the best possible solution for all parties. This negotiation was related to my work experience where I was a realtor who was representing a buyer in negotiation of the property’s price, mortgage loan rate and terms. I am a real estate licensee and also a member of National Association of Realtors. I have been practicing my license for seven years now. Seven years of experiences in real estate industry
The journey of many immigrants is characterized by trauma prior to, during, and following migration. They may be escaping hunger, war, poverty, or torture in their native country. The decision to migrate to host country is not an easy one for most immigrants. People leave behind family members, and often risk their lives to cross borders in order to live a life of freedom and opportunity. Immigrants must endure intolerance and suspicion, while navigating the complexities of assimilating to a language and a culture foreign to their own. If the person enters the country without proper documents, they live in constant fear of being detained and deported. Undocumented immigrants may have to accept jobs far below their skill level, and endure blatant discrimination. If Mario is an immigrant, his volatile behavior may be a result of acculturative stress or immigration trauma
The topic for my real world negotiation is to come to an agreement with my supervisor for a promotion as well as an increased salary. I currently work as a student assistant at the student services Planning, Enrollment Management, and Student Affairs (PEMSA) department. My goal is to increase my hourly pay from $10.15 to $12.70, a 25% increase. Having worked in this department for three years, I have taken on tasks not part of my job description such as processing return mail, data entry, and supervision.
Negotiation is one of the most common approaches used to make decisions and manage disputes. It is also the major building block for many other alternative dispute resolution procedures. According to Christopher W (2012), negotiation is the principal way that people redefine an old relationship that is not working to their satisfaction or establish a new relationship where none existed before. Because negotiation is such a common problem-solving process, it is in everyone 's interest to become familiar with negotiating dynamics and skills. This section is designed to identify what worked well and not well in the negotiation. In addition, to present strategies that generally makes the negotiation more efficient and improvement in the next
First, the author broke down immigrants in different groups. First, he demonstrated that Asian families are more stable and have less divorce rates than Caucasian families. Francis Fukuyama also talked about Latinos’ family stability. Fukuyama admitted that Latinos are somehow less stable than Caucasian families, but they were not the worse. Fukuyama says that Latino are not a threat for American society because even though most Latino immigrants are low skill workers, they work hard for their family even if that means to accept a low pay job.
Negtiation is a strategic process of reconciling differences in interest and coming to a mutual resolution through cooperation that is percieved fair for both of involved parties (Fells 2012). The negotiation that was analysed in the “Enterprise Agreement Negotiation Report,” demonstrates that negotiation is not an easy process nor its orderly, since it is the activity and not the segment that determines the phase of a negotiation.